Site Discussion

Site Discussion

Request: Please add the Datenshi no Namida page


I've just created a performance summary page for Komu's newest (and final ;__; ) play, Datenshi no Namida. It's at http://www.takarazuka-revue.net/takawiki/tiki-index.php?page=Datenshi+no+Namida+%28Snow+2006%29

I've added it to Komu's personal page, but it seems I can't edit the 2006 performances list page, so please add it there. Thank you!

@__@; Oops, pressed the wrong "reply" button...
You're very welcome! :) Thanks for adding the page~ (and all the shinjin kouen info!) Nyaar, what I wouldn't give to see this play~~~~

LoL, randomly, I was in Kinokuniya (here in Cali) today, and I saw they had a little feature on Datenashi in the gothic lolita magazine Gothic Lolita Bible. (or something like that?) Why am I not surprised? Goth ppl must love Takarazuka...

posts: 708
Yay, thank you! Wow, has the run started already? (T_T)

I'll add it now.
