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I'm an otokoyaku from the UK. Does anything like Takarazuka exist outside Japan? Do you want to set one up??

posts: 2
Hi there,

I only discovered the Takarazuka a few days ago. I have been singing, acting and dressing (not really dancing, but would like to) like an otokoyaku since I was a teenager in the UK, but it's not part of our culture and is considered rare and weird. People say women can't/shouldn't do it (except in gay clubs). I was absolutely amazed and delighted to discover Takarazuka, at how much love and respect it has and what an institution it is! - I've been so happy and hardly stopped talking about it, singing and watching its videos all week! Finally, a big community of women who do what I want to do and a culture that loves it!

I would really, REALLY like to audition for something like this. Does anyone know if anything similar to Takarazuka exists that admits non-asians? Amateur or professional. Even a fan convention would be wonderful.

Thank you
Chloe xxx
posts: 67
Actually there is the LA Women's Shakespeare Company
Not really as artistically brilliant as Takarazuka but maybe the only hope in western world for something like this
here is a you tube video of one of their major actresses: http://youtu.be/dAYU91AotXA
posts: 6
> "I would really, REALLY like to audition for something like this. Does anyone know if anything similar to Takarazuka exists that admits non-asians? Amateur or professional. Even a fan convention would be wonderful."

I know exactly what you mean, Chloe. I feel the exact same way. Luckily for me, my High School is really small and our theatre program is even more so. (Actually, I started the Theatre Department!) Because of this, I have had plenty of opportunities to be an otokoyaku. I cannot say that the entire school was pleased with the methods we employed, but there were a few who seemed truly captivated by my performance. I am happy that I have had this experience and wish you all the best in your ventures!
posts: 29
The only thing I've seen in the USA with all women is a highschool play at a girls' boarding school. They're good, but it's just a once a year play.
Yeah, I think it would be fun to set something up too - no chance of me being musumeyaku, way too tall (5 foot 9 inches!). In highschool I got strict old lady roles, even though I had really long hair. Now if I could have played a guy... :] ...way different story!
Good luck!
posts: 15
Spreading the word at conventions sounds like a lovely plan.

I am worked med staff at a few conventions and raved about the Takarazuka to my fellows...and no one had a clue what I was talking about.
Time to get some education going on.
Unfortunatly by build does not allow me to dress in the otokoyaku style costumes, so I stay dressed as a lady.
I have plans to make a lovely Elisabeth gown though. Any one to join me at a convention and dress as Der Todd?
I find the costumes help make an opening for said education..
I would love to find other Takarazuka fans in the US, but I am up here in MA on the east coast....but I will travel some for Cons....


> Hi, all,
> In my younger days when I was a professional dancer, being part of an all female group would have been soooo wonderful. I'm an isolated fan in the United States (Mojave Desert, California). Would love to meet up with other fans, haven't a clue if anyone else in the States even knows about Takarazuka. Perhaps next time I'm in UK some of y'all would like to meet for dinner, my treat. Heaven for me right now would be an all-night gab fest about Elizabeth and Susano-o etc etc etc liberally lubricated with sake and sushi.
> But speaking of fan conventions, maybe a Takarazuka fan meeting could be held in conjunction with a science fiction or anime convention? I'll be a guest at the WorldCon in Reno, Nevada, in 2011. If people are interested I could ask Programming to add on a Takarazuka panel or two. Present a DVD and explain what's happening and why.
> shadowcat
posts: 20
in germany we make shows like Takarazuka. But there are not many people who can sing as good as dance. So we make these shows as duo. Otokoyaku and musumeyaku.
We sing in japanese, german, english and latin.
Me and my partner we are professional singer, dancer and actor. (Study it)
But its difficult to find right member for it...
posts: 2

If you want a takarazuka-style theatre you just do it. We have one in Russia, we made it ourselves.)

Good luck!)
posts: 10 United States
Hi, all,
In my younger days when I was a professional dancer, being part of an all female group would have been soooo wonderful. I'm an isolated fan in the United States (Mojave Desert, California). Would love to meet up with other fans, haven't a clue if anyone else in the States even knows about Takarazuka. Perhaps next time I'm in UK some of y'all would like to meet for dinner, my treat. Heaven for me right now would be an all-night gab fest about Elizabeth and Susano-o etc etc etc liberally lubricated with sake and sushi.

But speaking of fan conventions, maybe a Takarazuka fan meeting could be held in conjunction with a science fiction or anime convention? I'll be a guest at the WorldCon in Reno, Nevada, in 2011. If people are interested I could ask Programming to add on a Takarazuka panel or two. Present a DVD and explain what's happening and why.

posts: 31
Chloe - As a UK resident myself I am fairly sure that unfortunately there's not (yet!) anything remotely similar in the UK except perhaps isolated groups who dress as otokoyaku for anime conventions

Big sad face right? :( :( Yeah, I know. There is a small amateur troupe in Germany named Romane Kakumei and several all-female tango and dance troupes scattered in dofferent locations round the world where women dance both parts but don't necessarily dress the part as well.

Your best bet at the moment is to get your fill virtually or else book yourself a one-way ticket to Japan, baby! :-) I have a whole wardrobe of ties, hats & shirts I don't dare wear in the street here in the UK but no one bats an eyelid in Tokyo. *sigh* Why is our culture so narrow-minded so much of the time? Especially when it comes to anything remotely related to gender or sex that deviates from what is considered the norm.

Anyway, enough complaining. Like I said, I'm based in the UK too so if you fancy getting in touch we can share being UK Takarazuka fans. There don't seem to be as many as in the US/Asia/mainland Europe yet. Maybe we can start a recruitment drive? lol :) :)
posts: 2
Hi Yanira,

Thanks very much for your reply! Exciting stuff! Please keep in touch if there are any developments with your theatre group (although I'm not anywhere near Peru, but I have a friend in Lima) best of luck with it and with the rest of your degree.

posts: 23 Peru
Hi Chloe
I know about some all-female companies, but anyone like Takarazuka, I really, really would like to set one up, in fact, I gonna set up a all-female Music and art school when I graduted from the university, and may be a theater in the future.

And I don't know if there is a fan convention somewhere (?) I would like to go to one ^^

Nice too meet you
Love, Yanira
