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Who is this early actress? Can anyone help?

posts: 7
I have a photograph album of what must be a Takarazuka actress of the 1920s and maybe a bit earlier. It should be easy to identify her because many of the photos are signed but no-one I've asked as been able to give me a definite reading of the name.
Two of the photographs are dated - 1928 and 1929 but several look earlier.

I have posted a selection of photographs at http://richardneylon.com/Takarazuka.html

Perhaps someone can look at them and help? Any information much appreciated.
posts: 39 Japan
1st Line 2nd from right
Shiratsuyu Tomeko (白露とめ子)

3rd line 2nd from right
Left:Shiratsuyu Tomeko (白露とめ子) Right: Ueno Sakurako(上野櫻子)
posts: 39 Japan
3rd line, right
right girl 住野 さへ子(Sumino Saeko)
posts: 39 Japan
3rd line, right
left girl 小夜福子(Sayo Fukuko)

I suppose this is a rare picture of hers before she switched to otokoyaku.
posts: 39 Japan

> Joy. Don't you ever sleep?
I always have enough sleep. I didn't miss the shonichi of yukigumi daigekijou kouen, either. I skipped some of my work, though, haha!

neylon, this album of yours seems like a treasure to me. Kagekidan itself may not have these kind of photos today. The girls who signed on the photos would have never dreamed that the photos would go abroad and they must be very pleased to be with you. Please take good care of them.

Oh, and I'm still trying to identify the rest. Please don't forget to check here from time to time.
posts: 708

> Joy. Don't you ever sleep?

Ditto. O.0 I'm so impressed!

> Should I put these images into Takawiki? I think these pictures should go into the database but I am frightened of doing the wrong thing or putting them in the wrong place.

If you're willing to share them, I know *I* would love to see them on the TakaWiki! I adore old photos.

There's a bunch of info on how to add pages and add images and things using the TakaWiki software here, and I bet the editors would be happy to answer any questions you might have, or to help if you have any problems. :)
posts: 7
Joy. Don't you ever sleep?

Thank you to everyone. I bought this album just because it was fascinating. I know nothing about Takarazuka (but I have been to a show) and I have spent weeks trying to find out what it is. Because I am totally ignorant in Japanese I haven't learnt much, but I have tried, and you have told me more in a few days than I have learnt in months.

Should I put these images into Takawiki? I I think these pictures should go into the database but I am frightened of doing the wrong thing or putting them in the wrong place.

And there are lots more.

What do you advise?
posts: 39 Japan

3rd line 1st
岸 小枝子(Kishi Saeko) ...again
posts: 39 Japan

3rd line 3rd right: 上野櫻子(Ueno Sakurako It's written 桜子, though.)
left : (unknown but the first kanji may be 白 and the last one is 子)

>who I think might be Akatsuki Ruriko 暁 るり子
Yes, it's a possibility.
posts: 7
Thank you Joy.

I have put some clearer pictures on the page http://richardneylon.com/Takarazuka.html and some more pictures - just in case you or anyone might enjoy seeing them.
posts: 39 Japan
My mother gave up the moment she saw the pictures.(-_-;)

1st line 4th and 3rd line 3rd are signed by the same person.
3rd line 3rd right: 上野様江(Ueno sama e) To Ms.(or Mr.) Ueno
left : (signature)
posts: 7
Thank you so much.
I am not certain that they are all Takarazuka actresses - I am not certain about anything. But from what you have told me it seems that they are.
Most of the photos in this album are of one actress - who I think might be Akatsuki Ruriko 暁 るり子 - which are not signed. Perhaps it was her own album, which is why the photos of the others are signed.
I will try to take some clearer pictures and put them at http://richardneylon.com/Takarazuka.html.

Again, thank you.
posts: 39 Japan
2nd Line
1st 關洋子(Seki Youko)
2nd XX
3rd 御垣悦子(Mikaki Etsuko)
4th 岸小枝子(Kishi Saeko)
5th 天津乙女(Amatsu Otome)...Wow!

I'll ask my mother tomorrow. I hope she can identify a few more.

>Just curious if you're certain that they are all Takarazuka Revue actresses.
Yes, I feel the same way, too.
posts: 708
Looks like you definitely have more than one actress there, to judge by the signatures. Signatures are so difficult to read. Is it possible to give us a larger version of the signatures themselves?

I think the one lovingelf pointed out is probably 關洋子 (Seki Youko), active from 1922 until 1935.

Also, is there a possibility some of these photos might be from other all-female troupes, like OSK? Just curious if you're certain that they are all Takarazuka Revue actresses.

posts: 7
Can this actress be Akatsuki Ruriko 暁 るり子?
posts: 7
Thank you lovingelf. I cannot find her in the lists of actresses. Can you tell me anything more?
posts: 2
> I have a photograph album of what must be a Takarazuka actress of the 1920s and maybe a bit earlier. It should be easy to identify her because many of the photos are signed but no-one I've asked as been able to give me a definite reading of the name.
> Two of the photographs are dated - 1928 and 1929 but several look earlier.
> I have posted a selection of photographs at http://richardneylon.com/Takarazuka.html
> Perhaps someone can look at them and help? Any information much appreciated.

The first one in the second line is "関洋子", Kan Youko.
