
History: Minashiro Hikari

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Minashiro Hikari



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Picture Credit: yaomeis | The Takarazuka II: Cosmos Troupe / Rose of Versailles: Fersen and Marie Antoinette Programme

Standard Profile Information

Name: Minashiro Hikari
Kanji: 南城 ひかり
Current Troupe: n/a
Role: Musumeyaku
Status: Retired

Nickname: Akiyo
Height: 160cm
Birthday: October 14, 1975
Blood Type:
Hometown: Setagaya, Tokyo
Favorite Food: cheesecake, chiffon cake
Favorite Flower: sweet pea, sunflower
Favorite Colors: blue
Collections: earrings
Special Talent: three-point handstands
Origin of Stage Name: received it from an upperclassman she respects
Favorite Role: Carmen from the Passion: Jose & Carmen shinjin kouen
Would Like to Try Playing:

Debut: 1993 (79th Class) Broadway Boys
Troupe History:
1998 - 2001 Cosmos Troupe
1994 - 1997 Moon Troupe


2001: The Rose of Versailles 2001 -Fersen and Marie Antoinette-, Sophia
2001: Nostalgia Across the Sea / Millennium Challenger! (Chunichi), Nastassia
2000: Nostalgia Across the Sea / Millennium Challenger!, Nastassia
2000: Black Rose of the Desert / Glorious!!, Marchina
2000: Takarazuka: Snow, Moon, Flower / Sunrise Takarazuka (Berlin Tour)
1999: The Tempest (Bow Hall), Anita Lee
1999: Passion: Jose and Carmen / The Revue '99, Mercedes
1999: Excalibur / Citrus Breeze (National Tour), Nellie
1998-99: Elisabeth, Court Lady, Beautiful Woman (Holland)
1998: Excalibur / Citrus Breeze, Millie
1998: Mugen Houjushou / This is TAKARAZUKA! (Hong Kong Tour)
1997: Cesare Borgia / Prestige (National Tour), Giulia
1997: El Dorado (Grand Theater), Irene
1997: Non-Stop!! (Bow Hall)
1996-97: The Descendant of a Baron / Grandes Belles Folies
1996: Can-Can / Nightless Castle in Manhattan, Madeline
1996: Gin-chan's Love (Bow Hall)
1996: Cesare Borgia / Prestige
1996: Me and My Girl (Chunichi)
1995: Me and My Girl
1995: Somewhere in Time (Bow Hall), Franny (as a child)
1995: Hard-Boiled Egg / Exotica!
1994-95: Le Mistral (Bow Hall)
1994: The Afterglow of Eire / Takarazuka Ole!
1994: Wanted (Bow Hall)
1993: Mayerling / Papalagi (Star - Tokyo)
1993: Bay City Blues / It's a Love Story (Flower - Grand Theater)

Shinjin Kouen Roles

1999: Passion: Jose and Carmen, Carmen (musumeyaku lead)
1998-99: Elisabeth, Elisabeth (Act I) (musumeyaku lead)
1998: Excalibur, Rosaline (musumeyaku lead)
1997: El Dorado, Conchita
1996-97: The Descendant of a Baron, Emily
1996: Cesare Borgia, Giulia
1996: Can-Can, Clodinne
1995: Me and My Girl
1995: Hard-Boiled Egg, Cindy
1994: The Afterglow of Eire, Princess Sharmilla
1993: Mayerling (Tokyo)
1993: Bay City Blues (Grand Theater)
1993: Grand Hotel (Grand Theater)

Concerts / Dinner Shows

1999: Second Matsumoto Yuri Recital
1999: Next I (Kozuki Wataru Dinner Show)
1998: Bow Voyage!
1996: Illusion - Illusions in Crystals and Mirrors (Kuze Seika Dinner Show)
1995: Wakao Risa Dinner Show (Title Unknown)

Special Performances

2000: Adieu Takarazuka 1000days Theater
2000: TCA Special 2000 - King of Revue
1999: Revue Special '99
1999: '99 TCA Special - Hello! Wonderful Time
1998: Revue Special '98
1998: '98 TCA Special - Takarasienne!
1997: Revue Special '97 - Christmas Eve in Takarazuka
1997: '97 TCA Special - The Festival
1996: '96 TCA Special - Melodies and Memories
1995: '95 TCA Special - Magnifique Takarazuka
1993: '93 TMP Music Festival - Youth Forever!


  • Was Hankyu & Hanshin Railways' hatsumoude poster model for 1994.
  • After retirement, she acted until 2005, then switched careers to become a "manners counselor", teaching beauty and etiquette lessons.
  • She has two published books: 『7日間でマスター タカラジェンヌ式 魅せる!レッスン』 and 『読むだけで“美人”になる「しぐさ&マナー」図鑑―タカラジェンヌ式“好感度UP”の秘訣 』, teaching women to be beautiful like Takarasiennes.


Information Version
Fri 20 of Sep, 2024 15:55 GMT-0000 yaomeis updated pictures 65
