Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is a British writer who gained worldwide fame for creating "The Detective Sherlock Holmes". However, he himself had a grudge against Sherlock Holmes...! ? Conan Doyle's half-life full of unique episodes is described as "One day, what if Sherlock Holmes, who was supposed to be a fictional existence created by his own brush, appeared in front of Doyle...?" A story drawn with a fantastic idea.
Through confrontation with his alter ego, Sherlock Holmes, and dialogue with his wife, Louisa, who is the closest person to him, he approaches the theme of "What does it mean to be yourself? What does it mean to live like yourself?" Please look forward to the birth of the musical (Happy “NEW” Musical)!
Winter Spectacular: Frozen Holiday
Guests from all over the world gather to spend a wonderful winter holiday at the unexplored hotel “FROZEN HOTEL”, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary.
This hotel has a "snow flower" that blooms once every 100 years.
The 6th installment of the "Spectacular" series is a revue work with story-telling and a luxurious atmosphere, depicting a fun time at a hotel, with the theme of "winter vacation" full of excitement from Christmas Eve to New Year.
We will deliver scenes celebrating the 100th anniversary of Snow Troupe during these happy moments.