Kiran Rune


Kiranrunw Offstage Kiran Rune On

Picture Credit: fayegumi/lemonflowers | Hanagumi Kumibon VIII // The Fascination! Program

Standard Profile Information

Name: Kiran Rune
Kanji: 希蘭 るね
Current Troupe: Flower
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Current

Nickname: Rame
Height: 168cm
Birthday: September 19th
Blood Type:
Hometown: Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo
Favorite Food: cheesecake, roast beef
Favorite Flower: vanilla flowers
Favorite Colors: light blue
Hobbies: watching movies and listening to Western music
Collections: Harry Potter goods, sparkling things
Special Talent: walking on stilts, riding roller coasters
Origin of Stage Name: thought of it with her family
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing: would like to try a variety of roles

Debut: 2021 (107th Class) Délicieux!
Troupe History:
2021 - Current Flower Troupe


2025: Fleeting Stars Shining at the Ocean's End (Bow Hall)
2024-25: Angelic Lie / Jubilee
2024: Don Juan (Misonoza)
2024: Arc-en-ciel [1]
2023: Singing Lovebirds / Grand Mirage!
2023: The Dancing Girl (Bow Hall)
2023: Mayerling / Enchantement
2022: Complete Devotion (Bow Hall), Shop Boy (Hozumi Mahiro version only)
2022: Years of Pilgrimage / Fashionable Empire
2021-22: Genroku Baroque Rock / The Fascination!
2021: Sherlock Holmes / Délicieux! (Grand Theatre)

Shinjin Kouen Roles

2024-25: Angelic Lie, Sariel (HY: Kinami Raito)
2024: Arc-en-ciel, Pierre (HY: Yuki Daiya)
2023: Singing Lovebirds, Soramaru (HY: Misora Maru)
2023: Mayerling, Captain Morris (HY: Misora Maru)
2022: Years of Pilgrimage, Count Corday / Ferdinand Flocon (HY: Haruya Yuuri / Tsubasa Anju)
2021-22: Genroku Baroque Rock, Nizaemon (HY: Taou Shun)

Concerts, Dinner Shows, and Special Performances

YEAR: Name of Show


None yet.

  1. She was absent from the Tokyo run of Arc-en-ciel from 04/16 - 04/19, no reason given.

Created by petitecabriole. Last Modification: Monday 02 of December, 2024 16:32:32 GMT-0000 by kisaki.
