Ibuki Sugata
Picture Credit: Grande Takarazuka 110! special feature
Name: Ibuki Sugata
Kanji: 伊吹 すがた
Current Troupe:
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Current
Nickname: Kouki
Height: 169 cm
Birthday: December 22nd
Blood Type:
Hometown: Oota, Tokyo
Favorite Food:
Favorite Flower:
Favorite Colors:
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name:
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing:
Debut: 2024 (110th Class) Eternal Voice / Grande Takarazuka 110!
Troupe History:
2024 - Current Troupe Name
2024-25: Angelic Lie / Jubilee (Flower)
2024: Eternal Voice / Grande Takarazuka 110! (Moon)
YEAR: Name of Performance, Name of Role
YEAR: Name of Show
- Part of "Group A" of the 110th class, which was assigned to perform with Moon and Flower Troupes before receiving official troupe assignments in March 2025.