Hodoka Yuu


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Standard Profile Information

Name: Hodoka Yuu
Kanji: 穂高 ゆう
Current Troupe: n/a
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired

Nickname: Gonchan, Gongon
Height: 172 cm
Birthday: March 22nd
Blood Type:
Hometown: Ukiha, Fukuoka prefecture
Favorite Food: everything tasty
Favorite Flower: Kasumi, casablancas
Favorite Colors: black, white, blue
Hobbies: watching stages, driving, enjoying music and movies
Collections: hats, teddy bears
Special Talent: piano
Origin of Stage Name: She thought about it with her family.
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing:

Debut: 1992 (78th Class) This Boundless Love
Troupe History:
1997 - 1998 Snow Troupe
1993 - 1997 Star Troupe


1998: House Amid the Thickets / Ravir
1998: Lovers' Suicide (Bow Hall), Shimaya
1997-98: Shun'ou Fu / Let's Jazz
1997-98: Elegy (Takarazuka)
1997: The Spirit of the Samurai / Fascination II
1997: Vanished With the Musashino Dew (Bow), Anegakouji Kintomo
1996-97: Elisabeth
1996: Who is Bad? / Passion Blue
1996: Yellow Handkerchiefs (Bow Hall), George
1995-96: The Story Of a Sword, Love, and a Rainbow / Jubilation!
1995: I Won't Forget the Young Day's Song / Jump Orient! (Chunichi)
1995: A Map Without Borders
1994: Casanova, Memento of a Dream / La Cantata!
1994: I Won't Forget the Young Day's Song / Jump Orient!
1994: One Day, In a Dream (Bow Hall)
1993: Mayerling / Papalagi
1993: Houjushou / Parfum de Paris (Tokyo)
1992: Chuushingura (Takarazuka)
1992: This Boundless Love (Tokyo)

Shinjin Kouen Roles

1998: House Amid the Thickets, Sagami Genta (Takarazuka)
1997-98: Shun'ou Fu, Jana Rizan
1997: The Spirit of the Samurai, Saitou Hajime
1996-97: Elisabeth, Duke Max
1995-96: The Story Of a Sword, Love, and a Rainbow
1995: A Map Without Borders
1994: Casanova, Memento of a Dream
1994: I Won't Forget the Young Day's Song, Katagiri (Tokyo)
1993: Mayerling
1993: Parfum de Paris (Tokyo)

Concerts, Dinner Shows, and Special Performances

2007: The Carol Vocalization 1224
1996: Paris Festival 1996
1992: '92 TMP Music Festival - Songs in Your Heart, Chorus


Created by mizukusa. Last Modification: Thursday 28 of July, 2022 17:49:42 GMT-0000 by tallae.
