Aya Yutaka
Picture Credit: Zephy, Apollon program / Graph, May 1965
Name: Aya Yutaka
Kanji: 亜矢 ゆたか
Current Troupe: Retired
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Beebo, Taki-chan
Height: 162 cm
Birthday: February 18
Blood Type:
Hometown: Tokyo
Favorite Food:
Favorite Flower:
Favorite Colors:
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name:
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing:
Debut: 1961 (47th Class) Spring Dance
Troupe History:
1970 - 1972 Flower Troupe
1966 - 1970 Snow Troupe
1962 - 1966 Flower Troupe
1972: Hama-Chidori / The Flower, Mun
1972: Sorrowful Nile / La Rondo
1971: A Small Flower Has Bloomed / Sicilian Sunset, ''Mirandolina'
1971: The Little Mermaid / Hama-Chidori, Mun
1971: Flowers are Falling, Falling / Joy!, Kuzunoha
1970-71: Ougi Genji / Apollon, Fujiwara Toshihide
1970: Flower of Takarazuka / Hello! Takarazuka
1970: Spring Again / Folies Takarasienne (Snow)
1970: Takarazuka Expo '70: Flower of Takarazuka / Hello! Takarazuka (Grand Theater)
1970: Even Those Bright in Color / Love Parade
1969: Noto Love Song / Love Parade, Jisaku / Henri
1969: Festival / Hamlet, Horatio
1969: Carousel, June Boy
1968: Little One-Inch / Takarazuka '68, Oomiya no Shoushou
1968: Indigo, White and Crimson / Tristan and Isolde (Chunichi)
1968: Tristan and Isolde / Xango, Morholt / Kaherdin
1968: Tristan and Isolde / Love and Dream and Party, Morholt / Kaherdin
1968: Wisteria Viewing Banquet / Xango, Kichimaro
1967: Oiran and Her Son / Xango, Yaheita
1967: Otemoyan / One World
1967: Unforgettable Song / Cheers to Takarasienne!, George
1967: Unforgettable Song / Cheers to Takarasienne! (Star/Snow), James / The Shakes
1966-67: Murasaki Shikibu / Love Love Love
1965: The Flute Player and Buta-hime / Our Time
1964: Red Flower of Tahiti / This is Takarazuka! (Shinjuku Koma Stadium)
1962: The Emperor and the Witch, San Yisheng
1968: Tristan and Isolde (Tokyo)
1968: Tristan and Isolde (Grand)
YEAR: Name of Show
- Was known for her dancing