Aika Ito


Aika Ito OFF Aika Ito ON

Picture Credit: yaomeis | The Takarazuka VIII (Star Troupe) / Rays of Dawn Programme

Standard Profile Information

Name: Aika Ito
Kanji: 愛花 いと
Current Troupe: Star Troupe
Role: Musumeyaku
Status: Current

Nickname: Aika, Iton
Height: 158 cm
Birthday: March 6th
Blood Type:
Hometown: Fukuoka
Favorite Food: Sushi, Okinawan black sugar, fruit
Favorite Flower: Baby's breath, pale pink roses
Favorite Colors: Pink, white
Hobbies: Cooking, theater appreciation, playing with her pet dog, choir
Collections: Hair accessories, health-related things
Special Talent: Cooking, piano, sense of balance
Origin of Stage Name: Came up with it by herself, and chose one character from her real name and another from her teacher's name
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing: All kinds of roles

Debut: 2020 (106th Class) Welcome to Takarazuka / A Farce in Pigalle
Troupe History:
2020 - Current Star Troupe


2025: Moonrise Over the Sea at Nigitatsu (Bow Hall), Wakana
2024: Hit Me Anyone One More Time / Tiara Azul
2024: Rays of Dawn (Umeda Arts / Brillia Hall)
2024: RRR x TAKA"R"AZUKA / Violetopia
2023: 1789: The Lovers of Bastille
2023: Valencian Passion / Passion d'Amour Again! (National Tour), Lady
2022-23: Dimitri / Jaguar Beat
2022: Beata Beatrix (Bow Hall)
2022: A Second Fortuitous Meeting Next Generation / Gran Cantante!!
2022: The Gentle Liar (Bow Hall / KAAT)
2021: The Yagyu Ninja Scrolls / More Dandyism!
2021: Heir of Basara (Drama City / Tokyo Metropolitan), Shizumi
2021: Romeo & Juliette
2020: Welcome to Takarazuka / A Farce in Pigalle (Moon - Grand Theater)

Shinjin Kouen Roles

2024: Hit Me Anyone One More Time, Restaurant manager (HY: Sayaka Rin)
2023: 1789: The Lovers of Bastille
2022-23: Dimitri, Rusudan (as a child) (HY: Otoka Nano)
2022: A Second Fortuitous Meeting Next Generation, Princess Orkis (HY: Ayane Miran)
2021: The Yagyu Ninja Scrolls, Kazemaru (HY: Ayane Miran)

Concerts, Dinner Shows, and Special Performances

YEAR: Name of Show


None yet.

Created by zaraphena. Last Modification: Sunday 22 of December, 2024 23:52:31 GMT-0000 by kisaki.
