Hanabuki Noa

Picture Credit: mizukusa // Je t'aime / Miroirs programme still / Otome 2008
Name: Hanabuki Noa
Kanji: 華吹 乃愛
Current Troupe: Snow
Role: Musumeyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Noa
Real Name: 伏間麻美 (Fusema Asami)
Height: 163 cm
Birthday: May 14th
Blood Type:
Hometown: Nagoya, Aichi
Favorite Food: sweet potatoes, cookies, japanese cooking
Favorite Flower: lily
Favorite Colors: berry pink, black, off white
Hobbies: Watching shows and movies, shamisen
Collections: goods of Lady from Disney's Lady and the Tramp, accessories
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: she consulted a lot of people she respects
Favorite Role: every role she received until now.
Would Like to Try Playing: wants to try different kinds of roles to challenge herself
Debut: 2007 (93rd Class) Secret Hunter
Troupe History:
2007 - 2012 Snow Troupe
2012: Don Carlos / Shining Rhythm!
2011: The Man in the Iron Mask / Royal Straight Flush!!
2011: Beyond the Blaze, Faustina
2011: Dark Brown Eyes / Rock On! (National Tour), Natalia
2011: Romeo & Juliette
2010: Evgeny Onegin (Nippon / Bow)
2010: Roget / Rock On!
2010: The Dawn at Solferino / Carnevale: A Sleeping Dream
2009: Russian Blue -Malleus Maleficarum- / Rio de Bravo!!
2009: Nishiki-e of the Wind / Zorro - The Masked Messiah
2008: King Solomon's Ring / La Mariposa
2008: I Love You - Je t'aime / Miroirs
2007: Sakura / Secret Hunter (Grand Theater)
2012: Don Carlos, Illusion Woman
2011: The Man in the Iron Mask, Marie Antoinette (Moliere's Troupe)
2011: Romeo & Juliette
2010: Roget
2010: The Dawn at Solferino
2009: Russian Blue -Malleus Maleficarum-, Elena Nekotana
2009: Zorro, Ohitika
2008: La Mariposa
2008: I Love You - Je t'aime, Chrysanthème
2007: Sakura / Secret Hunter (Grand Theater)
2007: Pure, Proper, Beautiful