Kaai Moto




Picture Credit: GRAPH April 1989

Standard Profile Information

Name: Kaai Moto
Kanji: 花愛 望都
Current Troupe:
Role: Musumeyaku
Status: Retired

Nickname: Kokeshi
Height: 162 cm
Birthday: Sept. 4th
Blood Type:
Hometown: Yao, Osaka
Favorite Food:
Favorite Flower:
Favorite Colors:
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name:
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing:

Debut: 1980 (66th Class) Festa Festa
Troupe History:
1980 - 1991 Star Troupe


1991: Portraits of Lovers / Narcisse Noir (Star 1991) (Grand Theater), Baroness Marie Fahren
1991: Pal Joey (Star 1991) (Bow Hall), Melba Snyder
1990-91: The Apollon Mystery / Jesus Diamante (Star 1990-91), Therese Loran
1990: Citylight Melody (Star 1990) (Bow Hall), Lily Comet
1990: Mayflower / Takarazuka Revue '90 (Star 1990), Martha Higgens
1989-90: The Rose of Versailles -Fersen and Marie-Antoinette- (Star 1989-90), Jeanne
1989: Spring Dance / Diga Diga Doo (Star 1989), Gloria Eugene
1989: War and Peace (Star 1989) (Chunichi)
1988: War and Peace (Star 1988), Liza Kutuzova
1988: Midnight City Romance (Star 1988) (Bow Hall), Amanda
1988: Fiery Bolero / Too Hot! (Star 1988), Alicia
1988: Magnificent Fantasia / Takarazuka Folies (Star 1988) (National Tour)
1988: Happy Dreaming (Star 1988) (Bow)
1987: Portraits of Parting (Star 1987), Emily Armstrong
1987: What's the Title...! (Star 1987) (Kani Hoken Hall/Bow Hall)
1987: Yukariko / Jubilee Time! (Star 1987), Katsura
1986: Magnificent Fantasia / Boogie Woogie Folies (Star 1986)
1986: Love Cantata (Star 1986) (Bow Hall & abc Hall), Cantata Chorus
1986: Revue Symphony (Star 1986)
1986: Flowers Strewn on the Western Sea / The Revue III (Star 1986) (Chunichi)
1985: Flowers Strewn on the Western Sea / The Revue III (Star 1985), Court Lady
1985: The Youth of Karl Heinrich (Star 1985) (Bow Hall), Kathie (musumeyaku lead)
1985: My Love Lies Over the Mountains / Love Express (Star 1985) (National Tour)
1985: Sorrowful Cordoba / Lumiere (Star 1985)
1984: Carousel (Star 1984) (Bow Hall), Nettie Fowler
1984: My Love Lies Over the Mountains / Love Express (Star 1984)
1984: Prayer Mandala / Plus One (Star 1984)
1984: Rhapsody in Blue (Star 1984) (Bow Hall)
1983: The Man From Algiers / The Storm (Star 1983) (Tokyo), Cecil
1983: Lonely Heart (Star 1983) (Bow Hall)
1983: The Window of Orpheus (Star, 1983)
1983: Spring When the Magnolias Bloom / Love Connection (Star 1983)
1982: Aegean Sea Blues / The Storm (Star 1982)
1982: A Small Flower Has Bloomed / Fascination (Star 1982)
1982: Unforgettable Song (Star 1982) (Bow Hall)
1982: The Adventures of the Alien Papii from Mir / Fascination (Star 1982)
1981: The Samurai's Poem in the Rumbling of the Sea / Crescendo (Star 1981)
1981: A Small Flower Has Bloomed / La Vie en Rose (Star 1981)
1980: Beautiful Secret Seasons / New Fancy Game (Star 1980)
1980: My Song Resounds / Fancy Game (Star 1980)

Shinjin Kouen Roles

1986: Revue Symphony, Audrey Dane
1985: Flowers Strewn on the Western Sea, Kenreimonin
1985: Sorrowful Cordoba, Melissa
1984: My Love Lies Over the Mountains, Manhime (Takarazuka) (musumeyaku lead), Soshun (Tokyo)
1984: Plus One
1983: The Man From Algiers (Tokyo), Annabel
1983: The Window of Orpheus, Maria Barbara Von Ahrensmeyer
1983: Spring, When the Magnolias Bloom, Osono (musumeyaku lead)
1982: Aegean Sea Blues, Eve / Honorine
1982: A Small Flower Has Bloomed, Ume
1982: The Adventures of the Alien Papii from Mir
1981: The Samurai's Poem in the Rumbling of the Sea
1981: A Small Flower Has Bloomed, Ichiji
1980: Beautiful, Secret Seasons
1980: My Song Resounds! -Beautiful, Secret Seasons-

Concerts, Dinner Shows, and Special Performances

2010: Terada Takio Memorial Concert
1990: First Matsumoto Yuri Recital
1989: TMP Special
1988: TMP Special
1987: TMP Special
1986: TMP Special
1985: TMP Special

After Takarazuka

2011: Bloom! Takarazuka Dinner Show (With Maori Yuki)
2011: Kaai Moto Concert


  • She loves manga.
  • Official Blog: Kokeshi
  • Teaches at Takarazuka prep school Jenne VBM)

Created by caithion. Last Modification: Sunday 13 of September, 2020 23:36:12 GMT-0000 by caithion.
