Site Discussion

Site Discussion

Lead Roles / Page Editing

posts: 104

I noticed that in some profiles, lead roles are marked as such, in some profiles only the shinko/selected leads are marked as leads and in some profiles leads aren't marked at all.

Personally, I like it when a 'sienne's lead roles are marked and visible at first glance, without looking up each play - it simply gives a better first impression. ;) (Not everyone immediately recognizes the leading role just by its name.)

I've added some marks in profiles where other roles had already been marked, plus one in Makoto Tsubasa's profile. But like I said, I noticed that in some profiles they are emphasized and in some they aren't, and I'd like to know what the official format is/should be.

Also, there is this >minor< check box at the end of the edit-page. I assume it can be checked if the changes/corrections are only minor and if it's checked the user's name won't appear in the page history. (This might save disk space...?) But what are 'minor' changes?

posts: 144 United States
Yes, female lead roles should definitely be marked. :)
> KyaniteD:
> What about the female leads, should they be marked as well...?

I try to mark them, because I demand equal treatment of our musumeyaku . ;D I think it's just as useful as it is for the otokoyaku.
posts: 104
What about the female leads, should they be marked as well...?
posts: 144 United States
Yes, I think it makes very good sense to mark Bow Hall and shinko leads in this way. The only reason it's not uniform across TakaWiki is that we didn't think of it at the beginning, and as things stand now deliberately going back and marking everyone's lead roles would be such a job I quail in fear at the very thought of it.

By all means, add the lead role annotation as you wish. Maybe if enough of us do that they'll all get done eventually!
posts: 128 Japan
I've always assumed the "lead role" convention was used when a sienne who is not a Top Star has a lead role. It and makes the most sense to be utilized in that context. I agree with Bunretsu that it doesn't make sense to put "Lead Role" on every performance a Top is in - a note of their first show as top should suffice. But Bow shows and Shinjin Kouen shows, etc? Makes perfect sense.
I know at one point I started marking lead roles in the shinko section for profiles I was doing, but I don't remember if I was following someone else's lead or not. ;) I agree, it makes a much stronger impression!

I think it's also good to mark them for Bow Halls and the like, but it doesn't make sense to put LEAD ROLE next to each show of a top star. Maybe we could clearly mark the first performance of a top, so that people can then figure out that all the shows after that are lead roles, like writing "First Performance as Top Star" in parentheses or something (I'd prefer we avoid the Japanese terminology to be less confusing).

That would also make it easier to see at a glance just how long someone was top and how many shows they did. :)
