Elizabeth plot question
First a huge thank you to all who have put this site together and maintain it for newbs like me that stumble across a Takarazuka clip on Youtube and become addicted. I just got my dvd and cd of Elizabeth and am absolutely in love with them both! (Crescent Trading is a wonderful place to shop from, they made things very easy for me and it was much appreciated.)
I've two questions actually, both are from Act Two. First one, when Death has just showed Elizabeth the picture and she's crushed. He brings that knife out, but doesn't give it to her. What was that about? Secondly at the end, when Franz Joseph seems to be interrogating Death. Everything I learned about Japanese is from animes :( So all I understood clearly was Death yelling out 'No!" But that's about it. If anyone could clear these two plot points up, it'd be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks,