Changes to character’s names in Love at Dal Lake
What do other people think of maybe changing the names of some of the characters in the Wiki for Dal Lake?
In Dal Lake the name the main character's mostly goes by, is (for all I have found) not a real name that exists. I came back to think about it because of it being re-staged now. As a white European I certainly am no authority in knowing which Indian names exist, but Rachman just looked very wrong to me, as someone who appreciates Indian culture. So, I looked it up and the closest I could find were some last names like Rajman and Rahman. However, Rachman is supposed to be a first name and after having watched Dal Lake 2007 and having thought about how katakana versions of names work, I have to say, that the name does sound like a very common Indian name that exists: Lakshman/Laxman. Moreover, I think it isn’t too far of a stretch to come from ラッチマン to Lakshman if クリスナ is used to mean Krishna.
After this I looked through the other characters of Dal Lake and found just three other names that maybe don’t quite make sense: 1. Peper. For him I did not find an equivalent, but as he is of mixed French and Indian heritage, it is difficult to say what origin his name should be. 2. Potoraj. For this name I sadly did not find any real equivalent. 3. Radjion. As this is probably the character’s last name, I found the name Rajon, which is an actual last name, that could maybe used instead.
I do understand that the names have been in the wiki like that for probably a very long time, and being the names that people know the characters by. If anyone maybe had some official translation of the names and them really being "Rachman" etc., of course that would make my whole point a total non-issue! So, if anyone has an official translation, I would really appreciate it!
There is also no doubt for me that the people that first translated the names were working hard on it. But I think that, if there are no official translations that say otherwise, for factors of representation, mindfulness of the culture the story is set in and to ground the show more firmly in it's culture, there is a case to be made for changing the names (of "Rachman" and "Radjion").
I would really love to know how other people see this!