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Blu-ray or DVD?

posts: 3 Norway
i havent bought a performance dvd/blu-ray (yet) im planning on doing it but im unsure about what the difference between buying the dvd or blu-ray version is? i know quality and what devices that can play them but is there any other differences like scenes or extra material? things like that?
posts: 3 Norway
thank you everyone for the help!! i usually get dvd's bc im used with it but i will get the blu-rays instead!! or at least check properly which seems best! again thank you so much!!
posts: 708
Ahahah, good point. Most of my stuff is still VHS, or copies I pulled from VHS 15 years ago, and my TV screen is pretty small, so I'll admit I don't notice a big difference between the DVD and Blu-ray quality. XD
posts: 36 United States
As Caithion mentioned, extras are on a case by case basis, but I definitely want to say that the quality jump and care they put into the Blu-ray releases is leaps above the current DVDs.

I've got a good amount of older DVD releases, and the new ones are around the same price at what seems to be lower quality than DVDs from the mid2000s. ? Go for the Blu-ray release for sure.
posts: 47 United States
Also, the quality of Blu-rays is FANTASTIC. I highly recommend getting the Blu-ray every time!!
posts: 3 Norway
aaa!! thank you so much!! i can barely read japanese so thats super super helpful!! thank you!! i will keep all of that in mind!
posts: 708
Good question! Depends on the show and the date it was released, I think. Prior to the release of Blu-rays and when they were still newer, the Grand Theater DVD releases contained the extra material (extra angles, rehearsal footage, usually), but lately that's mostly on the Blu-rays only. Shows with alternating casts, often the Blu-ray will also contain either an abridged version or full recording of the alternate run as well.

For example, in the most recent Grand Theater release, of "Valley of Xuanyao", the DVD contains rehearsal footage, the Blu-ray contains the rehearsal footage and the alternate angle footage.

Do you read Japanese? If not, here are some things to look for in the description of the item in the TCA website (https://www.tca-pictures.net/shop/):

スターアングル(別アングル映像)= star angle (film footage from other angles); you can switch between angles on certain scenes

特典映像(稽古風景)= bonus footage (rehearsals)

役替わりダイジェスト = alternate cast digest
