TakaWiki will be down starting on Boxing Day, probably for 3-4 days
As you may have noticed, things have gotten a bit jinky.
Now that I'm on holiday for two uninterrupted weeks I'm planning to (1) fix the shoutbox problem that is affecting the sidebar and (2) fix the tikiwiki software upgrade problem.
The upgrade process will require the entire site to be down for a few days, which may become longer as I trouble-shoot. I'm waiting until after Christmas to do it because I know a lot of people use it over the holidays, but I don't want to wait too long so I picked the day after Christmas (Dec. 26th) to start.
I'll be backing up the database and website today and tomorrow, just in case anything goes FUBAR. So I recommend not adding or editing anything major from now until after the New Year, in case it gets lost during the process.
As always, updates and such can be found at the Takawiki news site while the TakaWiki is down.
Thanks for all your support and understanding.