So I wrote a letter to Takarazuka... and they replied! (I've included a translation)
Basically I asked them to come perform in Singapore and to please include English subs for all their DVDs.
I've attached the message in JP and my translation. If you read it in JP, it's like the most politically correct, painfully polite reply. But then again, all formal JP letters have to be written this polite. I've censored out my name, just cuz.
Yup, I don't think they'll be adding any English subs anytime soon, but at least I hope I've planted that seed in their head. Or they can always go 'stuff the foreigner' and ignore me : P My friend suspects it could be due to some licensing, copyright issues which is why they can't do english subs even if they wanted to. Hey, but at least I asked them.
We thank you very much for your patronage of the Takarazuka Revue web site.
We are pleased that you enjoyed the Moon Troupe's performance of 'Grand Hotel / Carousel Rondo' at the Tarakazuka Grand Theater. We thank you for your kind support.
現在のところ、シンガポールでの公演予定はございませんが, X 様からご要望をいただいた旨は宝塚歌劇団にお伝えさせていただきます。
We have not scheduled any performances in Singapore at present, we appreciate your kind request and will convey this to the Takarazuka Revue Company.
Regarding DVD matters, please see the reply from Takarazuka Creative Arts below.
こちらは、宝塚クリエイティブアーツ TCAピクチャーズでございます。
Hello, this is Takarazuka Creative Arts, TCA Pictures.
In regards to your kind request, we currently do not have any plans to include English subtitles for our DVD, Blu-Ray etc goods.
Our sincere apologies and hope you understand.
We will take your feedback into consideration and convey this to the relevant department superior. Thank you very much.
今後とも、宝塚クリエイティブアーツ TCAピクチャーズをどうぞよろしくお願い致します。
Best regards,
Takarazuka Creative Arts, TCA Pictures