question regarding the theatre subtitles
Apologies if this question has been asked before - I am wondering why Takarazuka theatre cannot project real-time English subtitles beside the stage during the show/drama? There have been a huge number of foreign audiences, and it has been very difficult if one couldn't understand the language. It seems that Takarazuka company doesn't even bother to make the subtitles which puzzles me a bit - the translation of the drama scripts before the show is only needed and this can be good marketing strategy and custom service to attract more foreign audiences, right? I know Takarazuka Revue is mainly for locals but Takarazuka is a company and the aim for a company is to make more money, right?
I am planning to book a ticket of one of the upcoming show however it does put me off a little bit because I cannot understand the language and trust it will spoil a lot of joy :(
Any ideas?