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Buying digital music from outside Japan

posts: 7
I want to buy music from Takarazuka CDs digitally... Amazon.jp won't allow this because I'm living in the United States. I've heard that some people have managed to get access to iTunes Japan without living there, though. I've heard it works if you buy a Japanese iTunes gift card. That sounds good... but I haven't seen the specifics of how, and I don't want to spend my money unless I'm sure I'll be able to use it.
If anyone here has had experience with this and could explain the process, that would be really helpful. I would really prefer not to have to buy a credit card or use an intermediary.
posts: 29
I've had good luck ordering through [email protected]. You can tell her (name is Sandy) what you are interested in and she goes shopping for you, mails it, etc. The times I've ordered from her we've used PayPal.
posts: 708
Yes, if you have a Japanese iTunes gift card you can use it to purchase digital music such as Takarazuka. In iTunes, there is a little flag representing your country at the bottom. You can change that to access the Japanese iTunes Store. The language is in Japanese then, but the layout is the same as the American and (I assume) British versions. You would input the iTunes card there and then be able to purchase the music.

As for not using a credit card or intermediary, I'm afraid you are out of luck unless you live in Japan. You will need to find someone willing to purchase the card for you. They are not sold abroad by regular outlets for copyright reasons. I have always asked friends, so I don't know who might be a good middle man for you. Perhaps someone else will have some suggestions.

