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Mizu Natsuki, Sumire Labo, episode 0

posts: 33
Konnichi wa, mina-san!

Has anyone seen the very first episode of "Sumire Labo" with Mizu Natsuki? I am having a lot of trouble following the plot. Can anyone help? Also, unfortunately I only have this one episode, and I understand that you can no longer buy this TV show on DVD. Is there is anywhere else the episodes are available?

Arigato gozaimasu!
posts: 3 Brazil
Hey Yasuda

I've found the whole show(4 episodes) @vk.com
I've watched 'em, but, as I, also, can't speak/understand japanese, I miss most part of the show.

But Mizu is my favorite, so...
It's worth it xD If u want, I can send you the link to the videos
posts: 10
Yes, the youngest coworker (who calls her Sumire-senpai) is a Takarazuka fan, and thinks Sumire looks just like an otoyaku. He keeps asking her to recite bits from Takarazuka plays, especially from Versailles no bara. (The scene in the kitchen, when she is standing on that little ladder). He mentions he had seen Silver Wolf, and liked the detective in it.

Episode four was indeed about a suicide, of one of Sumire's classmates. The boy she was apologizing too was the younger brother of that classmante.
posts: 33
Oh wow thank you so much! That clears up everything. That's funny about the parking tickets! I completely missed that. I wondered what that guy's problem was. :P

I also liked the other detective guy who obviously adored Sumire, and her reaction!! Wasn't there a Silver Wolf reference in there too? Anyway it was such a good show, I loved it right away and have watched it many times. So, thanks for explaining it to me! :)
posts: 10
I actually got mine second hand, because I missed the initial release too, but it took me a while searching for it. Sometimes you get lucky :)

It's a big deal because she is not actually a detective when the show starts, she's an officer. Maya Mikkii is playing someone higher up the ladder, who brought her there and basically demanded that Sumire be made a detective because she "is good". They mention that she is holding a record for giving out the most parking tickets. The guy with the glasses who's leading the examantion in the case with the tied up girl is particularly unhappy to see her, because she apparently gave him a ticket recently for parking in the wrong spot for ten minutes. (He claims it were only ten minutes, but Sumire doesn't really care.)

The girl tied herself up because she felt neglected by her lover, and wanted to be a bigger priorty for him. She called him late the night before, and he did not pick up because of work. So when he rang her doorbell in the morning, she figured it would be the perfect chance.

The plant was proof that she had lied about the time frame. She claimed a robber had come in in the night, but this particular kind of plant closes its leaves when it does not get sunlight. By the time her lover found her and called the police, the plants were still open, so it had to have gotten sunlight in the morning. But when Sumire came to check, the leaves had closed, because it didn't get sunlight in the spot it was laying in; it couldn't have been there all night like the "victim" claimed.

I -think- episode four had something to do with the death of a schoolgirl that never got resolved, but I will have to watch that again, it's been a while since I've seen it.
posts: 33
Hi carmila-san,

Lucky you to have the box set! :) I always find out about these things too late to get in on them. Anyway, as far as episode 0, I think I got that Ihara Sumire is a police detective - why is it such a big deal that she is? Everyone seems shocked/awed by her, Why is that? (I mean other than the fact that she's Mizu Natsuki LOL)

What is Maya Miki's (correct actress?) role in the show? Mentor? Superior? Relative?

How did Ihara Sumire resolve the case, other than the bit about the plant being wilted? How did she come to the conclusion that the girl had tied herself up?

And why did the girl do that? Some sort of emotional/mental problem?

I think that's all...I did end up seeing some behind the scenes type clips on YouTube of episode 4, the one with the kid who's wearing dynamite and the flashbacks of a classroom full of girls (??), which for some reason makes Ihara Sumire start apologizing like crazy. Any help on that one would be appreciated as well. Since it was only behind the scenes I didn't see enough to figure out what was going on.

Thank you so much for your help! It means a lot to me!
posts: 10

I have the full boxset, so I'd love to help with any questions about the plot as far as I can. Is there something specific you would like to know?

As to wether or not the series can still be gotten somewhere, unfortunately I don't know. The pilot was floating around the net, but I don't think that anyone ever uploaded the other episodes pubically (possibly due to the quiet horrific price of the box set *cough*) .
