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Wasureyuki (book)

posts: 33
This topic is only indirectly related to Takarazuka so I hope it is not against the rules. If it is please forgive, I am still a novice on TakaWiki.

Yukigumi's play "Wasureyuki" was based on the book by Shindou Fuyuki. I would like to read the book so I can have a better understanding of the play, since I don't speak Japanese. However the only copies I can find of the book are in Japanese. Does anyone know if this book is printed in English? If so were can I buy a copy of it?
posts: 39 Japan
Hi, yasuda!

I searched for the book at Amazon USA, Canada and UK but couldn't find. I'm afraid it's not translated into English and will not....The novel is not so popular, actually and I read it after I knew it would be played by yukigumi.

But here's good news. The story of the book is just identical as the yukigumi play. I don't think reading the book is necessary to enjoy the play!
posts: 708
I think it's absolutely cool to see more people posting in the forums. :D

I googled a bit, and like you I'm only finding Japanese editions of her novels. Doesn't look like she's made it into the Western market yet, other than another novel translated into French.
