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Ichiro Maki photo

posts: 17
I recently became somewhat of a fan of Ichiro Maki and went looking for photo and information on her in Takawiki. It seems there may have been 2 photos but are now deleted. Ichiro was a big star it's hard to imagine there are no photos of her available. I've gone to several pages over the last few months where photos have been deleted. Can you tell me why this is?
posts: 12 Poland
And I just uploaded the offstage photo. I still can't make up my mind regarding the onstage one...
posts: 12 Poland
I'm planning to upload new Ichiro photos this week - I'm just having trouble picking my favourite from my extensive collection :)
posts: 708
> I recently became somewhat of a fan of Ichiro Maki and went looking for photo and information on her in Takawiki. It seems there may have been 2 photos but are now deleted. Ichiro was a big star it's hard to imagine there are no photos of her available. I've gone to several pages over the last few months where photos have been deleted. Can you tell me why this is?

