Site Discussion

Site Discussion


posts: 708
Hello all,

This is a gentle reminder from the TakaWiki editors. All entries and information and all of the work that people put into the TakaWiki is really appreciated. It wouldn't be here without all of you! However, please read the rules for the TakaWiki (they are available in English, German, and Spanish), particularly the rules about photos. Quite a few people have been uploading extremely large photos lately.

Thank you,

posts: 144 United States
... This was the post I was about to make. You really are psychic.

I'd like to add that we'd appreciate it if, as well as following the guidelines regarding image size in pixels, you would all please keep an eye on the overall file sizes of the images you upload.

It has never been my wish to create a strict set of file size limits, because I remember all too well the time before I discovered the "Save for Web & Devices" option in PhotoShop. ;) So please just use your common sense. There's not much reason for anything but a class picture to be over 100k.

Thank you! :)
