Actresses and Shows

Actresses and Shows

Hoshihara Misao-otousama is leaving T_____T

posts: 67
what a sad day
Otousama is leaving, noo T_T
that's so so so so sad

Hoshihara Misao otousama will be missed so badly when she'll retire T_T
posts: 67
> I am also so so so sad. :(
> I guess it didn't really ever pass my mind that one day she'd like to retire. It's like I figured she'd just always be in zuka, for like, EVER. XD
> I am going to miss her soooooo much!!! :(

Me too I thought Otousama will stay forever T_T
I don't know what Zuka will be without her :/
posts: 1
> what a sad day
> Otousama is leaving, noo T_T
> that's so so so so sad
> Hoshihara Misao otousama will be missed so badly when she'll retire T_T

I am also so so so sad. :(
I guess it didn't really ever pass my mind that one day she'd like to retire. It's like I figured she'd just always be in zuka, for like, EVER. XD

I am going to miss her soooooo much!!! :(
