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Todoroki Yuu

posts: 3
has she played a female role before?.....if not, good she is wonderful just as she is,.....
posts: 39 Japan
Yes, as inbuninbu pointed out, she appeared as Pineapple Queen in "Karei naru Sen-byoushi". Asami Hikaru used to talk about the moment Todoroki-san appeared in a long dress, "There was a BIG BUZZ rippled through the audience on the first day. "

And in TCA Special 2000, she appeared as a high school girl in a scene along with other 3 top stars. I've found a picture.

posts: 31
> has she played a female role before?.....if not, good she is wonderful just as she is,.....

She was in a proper dress with proper high heels, bare arms, legs and ladylike figure in a revue in a scene called Pineapple Queen (パイナップルの女王). A user called yu0811ossy on Youtube uploaded the video, which is where I originally discovered it, to my astonishment and delight, but currently it is set to private and I can't locate the clip anywhere else as she (?) prohibits copying her clips without permission... :-(

But that is the most girly on stage I have seen her, barring her one-man show "The Fiction", as Caithion points out.
posts: 708
> has she played a female role before?.....if not, good she is wonderful just as she is,.....

She has in her one-man show "The Fiction". Not sure about other than that....
