Site Discussion

Site Discussion

Sky Fairies Notation

posts: 20
Thanks to caithion's update to the Sky Fairies page, I learned that we actually had a page for that. haha. :) I started going through & noting the Sky Fairies in the recent announcement & previous years on their pages while creating a link to the Sky Fairies page - which provides an explanation. Since a lot of new fans may not know what the Sky Fairies are...would it be ok with people that have notated a such & such year Sky Fairy as - A Member of the ... group of Sky Fairies - with the link like I have on the other pages? Just to kind of keep things uniform maybe?

...just a thought...
posts: 20
most of the Sky Fairies have been noted on their pages in some form or fashion at some point in time...but there was no link provided to the page. I'll go back & change them then. I was just kind of putting out a blanket request if it would be ok to do that...didn't want to step on anyones' toes or anything by just changing it.
posts: 708
> Thanks to caithion's update to the Sky Fairies page, I learned that we actually had a page for that. haha. :) I started going through & noting the Sky Fairies in the recent announcement & previous years on their pages while creating a link to the Sky Fairies page - which provides an explanation. Since a lot of new fans may not know what the Sky Fairies are...would it be ok with people that have notated a such & such year Sky Fairy as - A Member of the ... group of Sky Fairies - with the link like I have on the other pages? Just to kind of keep things uniform maybe?
> ...just a thought...

*blink* You've.... completely lost me there. Were/Are some of the Sky Fairies missing links to the Sky Fairies page? Old ones or new ones? Anyway, yeah, please do if they're missing!
posts: 20
  • edit* I meant to say . . . would it be ok if I changed it to that . . . not that they had to . . . blame that on the fact that it's after midnight where I am & should be in bed.
