Photos Posted by Reiko81 on Tue 30 of Sep, 2008 15:53 GMT-0000 Hi! :) I'm an Italian fan. I'm writing a thesis about Takarazuka and I'd like to insert some photos. Can you help me? Do you know the address of a website where I can find them? Thank you very much! :)
Posted by Linon on Mon 13 of Oct, 2008 12:32 GMT-0000 > I'm an Italian fan. I'm writing a thesis about Takarazuka and I'd like to insert some photos. Can you help me? Do you know the address of a website where I can find them? Well, I've written my M.A. degree about Takarazuka and now I'm working on my PhD thesis (also on Takarazuka). I've also gone through several lectures on Takarazuka on various conferences and so. And there is few thing that I can tell you for sure: 1st) As Cathion mentioned: it's pretty important whether you're gonna publish it or not. Theoretically, I mean THEORETICALLY (cause Zuka and various Universities have their own view on the case), you can put some photos, posters etc. (you can even describe them as 'private collection' if you have the originals) into your thesis as it's used for "academic purposes". BUT it can NEVER be published or used outside of the University for ANY reason or purpose. That would be official and indubitable copyright breaking. Anyway, in any case REMEMBER to DEFINITELY check your Univ's, Country's and Japanese law!! 2nd) If you decide to take photos from a web site, you have to be concious of the fact, that the copyrights cumulate (in a way), 'cause except Zyka's copyrights you've got also the web site owner whom you have to ask whether you can use those photos (if it's not an official site). 3rd) To inbuninbu: I'm afraid that it's not gonna be that easy. I understand that most people think that the photos they took are their own property and they are the ones that own the copyrights. And mostly, in general, it really is so. BUT! If by any chance on any of those photos that your friend took, there's any Takarasienne - you basically have to have her agreement for publication (Protection Of Image). In other words: basically - you can do it, you can publish it. You can use secretly taken photos but as it's NOT approved by Zuka - you can be 100% sure that Zuka will cut ANY kind of cooperation with you. They'll probably (if not for damn sure) be very sceptic and reluctant for any further help or cooperation with you. I personally own quite a lot of siennes' photos from various private dinners and meetings I've been invited to, but I was worn by people who organized those, Takarazuka kankeishas etc. NOT to use those in official publications before I'll get a written agreement or simply do it on MY OWN responsibly IF it's OK with my country's law. Oh, and BTW - believe me that even NOW Zuka fans still DO take photos during shows ;). Oh yes they do. The SOOOO do take photos :). And unlike you - I wasn't that surprised at all...
Posted by inbuninbu on Tue 07 of Oct, 2008 09:33 GMT-0000 posts: 31 ☆ ☆ ☆ > Hi! :) > > I'm an Italian fan. I'm writing a thesis about Takarazuka and I'd like to insert some photos. Can you help me? Do you know the address of a website where I can find them? > > Thank you very much! :) I'm also including Takarazuka in a section of my undergrad dissertation and have got the same problem, since Hankyu keep a tight rein on all their photos and various copyrighted stuff. At least in England, the law is very strict, and the university rules on what you can and can't use are also very strict!! So I agree, you should *definately* check your uni's policy first. (slightly OT) I think I'm gonna be able to worm round the problem by using some photos that a friend of mine took about 10 yrs ago in and around the 2 theatres; she has been a Zuka fan for over 20 yrs and says, apparently, that in "the old days" everyone used to sneak in their camera and take naughty snaps as routine part of enjoying the show! But I was still shocked, as Japanese people are generally very very careful about obeying any rules and regulations as a matter of course and she is a good girl otherwise!! Just look at the corrupting effect of the otokoyaku's charm! Good luck finding your photos too :)
Posted by caithion on Thu 02 of Oct, 2008 03:44 GMT-0000 posts: 708 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ > Hi! :) > > I'm an Italian fan. I'm writing a thesis about Takarazuka and I'd like to insert some photos. Can you help me? Do you know the address of a website where I can find them? > > Thank you very much! :) Hi! If it's for a thesis, is it going to be published? What kind of citing do you have to use? Does it have to be an official source? What kinds of problems with copyrights will you have? I'd recommend checking the websites listed on the Takarazuka Links section of the TakaWiki, but if your thesis is going to be published, I don't think you can use official, copyrighted photographs without breaking copyright laws. I'm not sure about things like this in Italy and Japan, though. :) ~Jen