Where All The Images Went
As part of the backup process, we purged unlinked images from the server. We did this just the way we always used to do it on the old server — there's a special button for it in a control panel — but something appears to have changed in the software. At any rate, it purged over 90% of TakaWiki's image files.
We're re-uploading, but our image backups aren't as recent as our database backups, so if you have, for instance, changed your darling's profile pictures in the last couple of months... you might want to check and make sure they're the way you left them. Not today, as it's going to take a few hours to finish the process, but perhaps tomorrow.
Honestly, we had no way of knowing it was going to do that. We're doing the best we can to fix it, and we promise to learn from the mistake!
P.S. I really hate to mention this, but... it would appear that we're going to have to do the poster-cleaning-out again. Let's see. Who's crazy enough to volunteer? ;)