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Takarazuka strike?


I'm an American journalist, and I'm currently working on a book about karaoke. In the fall of 2007, I traveled to Japan to meet the inventor of the first Japanese karaoke machine; while discussing the origin of the word "karaoke," he mentioned that there had been a strike among Takarazuka performers in the 1950s, which led to the popularity of the phrase "empty orchestra."

I'm trying to verify this information, and I've been unable to find any accounts in English-language newspaper databases. If anyone happens to have any information on this strike, I'd greatly appreciate your help. I can be reached via this board, oreven betterover email:


Thanks for your help,

posts: 708
Not a printed source, but this electronic article also mentions the Matsushima newsletter, though their quote is a little different:


I can't find anything in English regarding the strike, and nothing more detailed on it in Japanese, but maybe someone else will have better luck.
posts: 708
I'm trying to verify this information, and I've been unable to find any accounts in English-language newspaper databases. If anyone happens to have any information on this strike, I'd greatly appreciate your help.

I'm afraid I don't have much time to look into this properly, but I did a search of google books for "karaoke word origin" and "Takarazuka" in Japanese, and found an excerpt from this book there:

カラオケ文化産業論: 21世紀の「生きがい社会」をつくる By 野口恒

It appears to have been a strike of orchestra members in Oct., 1956, related to a Snow Troupe production.


The author says that there are people who claim that the mention of the strike in a Matsushima Electronics Radio Dept. newsletter was the first use of "karaoke".
