
History: Haruka Kurara

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Haruka Kurara



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Picture Credit: princesslucia

Standard Profile Information

Name: Haruka Kurara
Kanji: 遥 くらら
Current Troupe: n/a
Role: Otokoyaku → Musumeyaku
Status: Retired Top Musumeyaku (1977 - 1980, 1980 - 1984)

Nickname: Mokku, Kurara
Real Name: Yamasaki Kumiko (山崎久美子) (was her maiden name Yamasaki (山崎))
Height: 166cm
Birthday: November 9th, 1955
Blood Type:
Hometown: Kanagawa Prefecture
Favorite Food: fruit, ice cream, dairy products
Favorite Flower: white rose
Favorite Colors: blue, white, navy
Hobbies: Tennis
Collections: accessories
Special Talent: 
Origin of Stage Name: the playwright Yashiro Seiichi made it for her.
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing:

Debut: 1974 (60th Class) Yu the Beautiful
Troupe History:
1980 - 1984 Snow Troupe
1975 - 1980 Star Troupe


1984: Gone With The Wind, Scarlett O'Hara
1984: Mayerling / Happy Ending Story (Chunichi), Marie
1983: Mayerling / Happy Ending Story (Tokyo Theater), Marie
1983: Blue Jasmine -Desert Love- / Happy Ending Story, Lorna
1983: Mayerling / Grand Elegance (Grand Theater), Marie
1983: Javanese Dancer (Chunichi Theater), Alvia
1982-83: Lily in Love / Golden Dream, Lily
1982: Javanese Dancer, Alvia
1982: Wandering Requiem (Chunichi), Anastasia
1981-82: Fly Up, Young Seagulls / Sun Orient Sun, Tsutakichi
1981: Wandering Requiem (National Tour), Anastasia
1981: Wandering Requiem, Anastasia
1981: Love Exclusive (Bow Hall), Sandra
1980-81: Flowery Dance Rhythm / The Blue Rose God of War -Angelique II-, Angelique (top musumeyaku debut in Snow Troupe)
1980: The Star Antares / Rose Fantasia (Chunichi), Mercedes
1980: The Star Antares / Rose Fantasia, Mercedes
1979: Lovers' Suicide (Bow Hall), Umegawa
1979: The Star Antares / Rose Panic, Mercedes
1979: The Midnight Sun, My Love, Someno
1978-79: Hokashu / C'est Charmant!, Kotake
1978: Inochi Aru Kagiri (Bow), Omon
1978: For Whom the Bell Tolls, Maria
1977-78: A Sad Goodbye in the Thames Fog / C'est Magnifique, Princess Anne
1977: Gone With the Wind, Scarlett O'Hara (top musumeyaku debut in Star Troupe)
1976-77: Gypsy of the Setting Sun / Happy Tomorrow, Gajo
1976: The Rose of Versailles III
1976: The Takarazuka: Takarazuka Spring Dance / Fantasy Takarazuka (Fukuoka Sports Center)
1975: The Blue Danube / That's Family
1975: Fairies in the Attic / My High Swing
1974: Purely, Righteously, Beautifully / Yu the Beautiful

Shinjin Kouen Roles

1976-77: Gypsy of the Setting Sun, Caria
1976: The Rose of Versailles III
1975: The Blue Danube
1975: Fairies in the Attic

Concerts / Dinner Shows / Special Performances

1984: '84 TMP Music Festival - Singing 70 Years of Takarazuka
1983: 25th Mirror Ball -Kayama Yuuzou and Takarasienne Joint Fantasy-
1983: 24th Mirror Ball -TMP Music Festival-


  • Member of the eleventh group of Bambies (1974-75).
  • In order to "find the kind of idealisation of women she needed for the Takarazuka stage", she studied the performances of Bando Tamasaburo, Japan's greatest living Kabuki onnagata.
  • She was an otokoyaku until 1977, when she was made Ootori Ran's partner.
  • Was paired with Ootori Ran, Setouchi Miya and Asami Rei. She was very popular, and her sayonara show lasted for two days.
  • Her nickname "Mokku" comes from a character of Pinocchio (Mock) in "Pinocchio: The Series" (1972).
  • The role of Scarlet O'Hara in Gone With the Wind was her first and last lead role.
  • Married in the early 1990s.


Information Version
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