Yuuma Natsuki




Picture Credit: Antony and Cleopatra program

Standard Profile Information

Name: Yuuma Natsuki
Kanji: 友麻 夏希
Current Troupe: n/a
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired

Nickname: Mika-chan, Yuuma-kun
Height: 168cm
Birthday: 7/15
Blood Type:
Hometown: Takarazuka
Favorite Food:
Favorite Flower:
Favorite Colors:
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name:
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing:

Debut: 1983 (69th Class) Spring Dance
Troupe History:
1983 - 1990 Flower Troupe


1990: The Rose of Versailles: Fersen, Alain
1990: The Beautiful Beast (Bow Hall)
1989-90: The Romanov Jewelry / Gitan des Gitans
1989: Congress Dances / The Game, Gregori
1988: Kiss Me Kate, Jimmy
1988: Velvet Color (Bow Hall), Poem
1988: Takarazuka Dance Festival '88 / Spring Again / Forever! Takarazuka, Gosaku
1988: Time Adagio (Bow)
1987: You, Ablaze in Red (Bow Hall), Kaze
1987: A Single Rose / The Revuescope, Stanley
1987: The White Horizon / Show Up Show
1987: Dream of Dreams: Cole Porter Golden Tunes (Bow Hall)
1986-87: Goodbye Peppermint Night! (Bow Hall), Little Chen
1986: Antony and Cleopatra / The Heroes, Officer 4
1986: A Madrigal of the Breeze / Memoirs du Paris
1986: Mysterious Carnival (Bow), Donner
1985: Tender Green / Androgyny, Kyte
1985: If There's Love, I'll Live Forever
1984: A Melody of Love in Crimson / Mayflower (National Tour)
1984: The Great Detective is All Alone / La La Flora
1984: In the Amber-Hued Rain / Je t’aime
1983: Calm Autumn Colors / Mayflower
1983: Beside the Foggy Elbe / Opera Tropical (Tokyo)
1983: Spring Dance / Moonlight Romance, Cat Girl

Shinjin Kouen Roles

1989-90: The Romanov Jewelry, Oscar (lead role)
1989: Congress Dances, Czar Alexander I (lead role)
1988: Kiss Me Kate, Fred Graham / Petruchio (lead role)
1988: Forever! Takarazuka (lead role)
1987: A Single Rose, Robert Gulingé (lead role)
1987: The White Horizon, Lazarev
1986: Antony and Cleopatra, Julius Caesar / Octavius Caesar
1986: A Madrigal of the Breeze, Emilio Costa
1985: Tender Green, Kyte
1985: If There's Love, I'll Live Forever, Dumas
1984: The Great Detective is All Alone, Carlos (Tokyo)
1984: Rogersville Story (Bow Hall - shinko), Michael (shared lead)
1984: In the Amber-Hued Rain
1983: Mayflower, Alan Lambert
1983: Beside the Foggy Elbe (Tokyo)

Concerts, Dinner Shows, and Special Performances

1990: 1990 TMP Special
1989: TAKARAZUKA: Takarazuka Dance Eulogy / Takarazuka Forever (New York Tour)
1985: 5th Hawaiian Tour: Japan Fantasy / Dream of Takarazuka


She's giving a fitness course at the Kobe College. (Website)
Teaches several classes at the NHK Culture Center. (Page for one of her dance classes)

Created by Jerome. Last Modification: Sunday 09 of July, 2023 01:05:28 GMT-0000 by tallae.
