Thank You
Picture Credit: April Graph 2010
English Title: Ayabuki Mao Dinner Show - Thank You
Japanese Title: 彩吹真央ディナーショー『Thank You』
Romanized Title: Ayabuki Mao Dinaa Shoo - Thank You
Troupe: Snow
Year: 2010
Performances: Takarazuka Hotel, 03/10 - 03/11; Daiichi Hotel Tokyo, 03/13 - 03/14
Director: Miki Akio
Available on DVD: Yes, with sayonara show (release date 4/23/10)
Ayabuki Mao
Supporting Cast:
Saou Kurama
Ootsuki Sayu
"Birth~Phoenix" (Phoenix)
"Apollo, Journey to the Moon" (JFK)
"Lost Wings" (Icarus)
"EL TANGO ARGENTINO ~ Arabesque of Love" (Tango Argentino)
"The Jester" (Romeo and Juliet '99)
"To the End of the Dream" (Ludwig II)
"Naked City" (Naked City)
"You Are My Own" (Phantom)
"Shimabara Insurrection" (Anaji) (cut from the DVD for copyright reasons) ~ "Multitude of Cherry Blossoms" (Song of Cherry Blossoms)
"The Only One in This World" (Lovers' Suicide)
"My Life For You" (Dawn Overture)
"A Living Dream" (The Tale of Genji - Lived in a Dream)
"Shadow of the Moon" (Shadow of the Moon)
"Man of Starlight" (Man of Starlight)
"Joyful!! II" (Joyful!! II)
Elisabeth Medley: The Darkness is Spreading~Boats in the Night
Silver Rose Chronicle Medley: My Dream~The Sun in My Heart~Real Dream~Swinging City
"Like the Snow, Like the Flowers" (The Dawn at Solferino)
"You Are My Precious"
Any other interesting or important stuff.
None yet.
Poster | DVD | VHS | CD
None Yet | None Yet | None Yet | None Yet