This is a subpage for the larger guide on How to Use the Takarazuka Online Ticket System. Please start with that page.

Choose a Specific Seat

If you chose that you want to specify a certain seat, you will be taken to a page where you choose the block. Click on the section and it will be highlighted in yellow on the image to the left. Then click the "Continue" button.

Ticketing Choose3

On the next page, you need to enable Silverlight to view part of the screen. Here you choose the actual seat which you want. Click on it. Your choice will display in the box to the right. When you are finished, click on the "Select these seats" button on the left side.

Ticketing Choose4

The next screen is your shopping cart. If you want to purchase tickets for another show as well, click on the "Order ticket for another performance" button. Otherwise, click the "Check out" button.

Ticketing Choose5

Created by caithion. Last Modification: Thursday 07 of May, 2015 01:30:48 GMT-0000 by caithion.
