This is a subpage for the larger guide on How to Use the Takarazuka Online Ticket System. Please start with that page.
Go to the entrance page for the Takarazuka Revue Online Ticket system. You should see a page that looks like the one below:
The text is basically the information we've listed at the top of our main walkthrough page.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and you'll see five main links (image below). These are (1) a link to the actual performances to order, (2) a link to the registration page if this is your first time using the system, (3) "My Page," a page with a record of your registration information, your order history, etc, (4) "Use History," a page with your order history, and (5) a link for the early ticket sales page.
The first thing you will need to do is register, so click on the link we've numbered "2" in the image above (利用登録).
This will take you to the user agreement page (below). This is a lot of legalese about rights and responsibilities, and the main reason why we recommend having some Japanese knowledge before you click "I agree." But if you want to continue to forge onwards, click on the "I agree" button circled in the image below (同意する).
Once you click "I agree," you're taken to the registration page. Anything marked with a red(※)is required. An explanation of the various fields is written in green, along with some examples.
After you have filled out all of the fields, click on the "Confirm and Continue" button at the bottom of the page. This will take you to the confirmation page where you should check over all of your information.
If all of the information is correct, click on the "Complete Registration" button at the bottom of the page. This will take you to a final page.
The email which is sent to you contains all of your information, and they recommend that you keep the email for your records. It will come from the address [email protected], if you want to add that to make certain that your email program does not block it.
At this point you are ready to order! Your email address is your login ID, and the password you created is your password. If you click on the yellow "Back" button, it will return you to the front page.
Return to How to Use the Takarazuka Online Ticket System main page.