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Takarazuka Anonymous Research 2006: Moon Troupe

GRAPH May 2006

Four Moon Troupe otokoyaku are assigned to research a fellow Moon Troupe otokoyaku anonymously. Each otokoyaku is asked questions by their anonymous researcher and from the questions asked must guess the identity of their questioner. Do not read the answers until you’ve read through all of the researcher’s questions!!!

File No. 001: Yuuhi Oozora

Research 1: Oozora-san, who has always been a child of Moon Troupe, recently made a special appearance with the members of Star Troupe (1). How was it? Was it exciting?

Oozora: Everyone in Star Troupe welcomed me very warmly. Putting myself in an environment of “Most people don’t know me” was very freshening. It was a very good stimulus and at the same time I learned a lot from it. I think my world widened.

Research 2: Oozora-san owns a cat. Whenever you own a pet, there are a lot of serious things involved. And so, if you have had some difficulties in owning a pet, or an incident involving a pet, please tell us.

Oozora: For the most part it’s healing. Conversely, maybe being a pet is difficult for my cat (laugh). He’s very sensitive to perceiving the ups and downs of my physical condition and mood, so when I feel down and so forth, he immediately does things like stare me in the face. I often start conversations with him along the lines of “Don’t you have troubles?”, but without him being capable of answering at all…so for things that are troublesome, the fact that he can’t talk.

Research 3: Oozora-san ate delicious looking popcorn onstage during “Guys and Dolls.” Do you still eat that now at home? I’m hooked on butter soy sauce flavor at the moment.

Oozora: I ate popcorn? I have a feeling that Micchan ate it, but… When I talked to Sky I ate something, but…didn’t I eat Pretz? (2) Eh? Maybe I also ate popcorn? Honestly, I can’t remember (laugh). Sorry if that’s half-hearted (laugh) Um…I haven’t been eating it since. Now, I only eat Jagariko. (3)

Oozora’s prediction: The person doing the research is…Kiriya!

Oozora: Because it was probably Micchan who ate popcorn, Micchan herself and Morie (who played my role in the shinjinkouen) probably…didn’t know about me eating popcorn. What’s left is Kiriyan, who saw me halfway in the role of Adelaide! “Special appearances” and “pets” are frankly too suspiciously Kiriyan, but on the contrary that’s my reckoning. Therefore-!

Oozora’s prediction is 90% sure


File No. 002: Hiromu Kiriya

Research 1: When I think of Kiriya-san, I think of her pet dog Finch-kun. You often talk to pictures of Finch-kun that you’ve put up on your dressing room table. Does that kind of Kiriya-san have a daily routine that she absolutely does every day with Finch-kun? By the way, I like Finch-kun’s expression when he’s tired the best

Kiriya: (laugh) Because I like Finch’s face right in front of me and his weight on me, I put him on both my knees with him facing me and talk to him every day. The conversations are one-sided, but… (laugh) Finch isn’t interested and he doesn’t look into my eyes, but I talk to that extremely happy-go-lucky face with my whole heart (laugh).

Research 2: They often say that a person’s character comes out while they’re driving, but how does Kiriya-san drive? My expectation is that Kiriya-san is a person who is economical when driving.

Kiriya: “Economical”...I often look for shortcuts and byways. After all is said and done I have the disposition of a Kansai native (laugh). But I really like finding streets with few traffic lights and that are just a little open (laugh).

Research 3: Recently during the Tokyo performance, in the dressing room you were humming songs from Nightmare Before Christmas(4), but recently what kind of songs are you singing?

Kiriya: In the dressing room at the Tokyo Takarazuka Theater we watched “Nightmare” on the DVD player that Yuuhi-san borrowed from Ayano-san. So then I naturally started humming (laugh). Recently…hmm…I have a feeling that I often sing songs connected to the current show.

Kiriya’s prediction: The person doing the research is…Morie-chan!

Kiriya: People at a distance where they could hear me humming “Nightmare” in the dressing room...Yuuhi-san could have heard me perfectly, but…I mean, we enjoyed it together (laugh). Because Micchan and Morie-chan’s dressing room tables are behind mine, it’s possible they heard me too. More than anything else, I have a feeling that Morie-chan looked at pictures of Finch when he’s tired and said “he’s cute.”

Kiriya’s prediction is 80% sure


File No. 003: Kairi Hokushou

Research 1: I have a question for Hokushou-san, who is good at cooking. What is your specialty in cooking? I’m good at stir-fried food and food cooked by boiling or stewing.

Hokushou:(long silence) …Sorry (laugh), I’m thinking about who is doing this research (laugh). In terms of cooking that I’m good at….I’m good at all of it (laugh). I can make anything. What I think are best are my zouni (5).

Research 2: In the dressing room, Hokushou-san often takes her own picture on her cell phone, but what purpose is this for? Do you really like pictures of yourself? By the way, I often do things like take pictures of myself on my cell phone to check my makeup.

Hokushou: This is definitely Morie-chan (laugh). Because Oozora-san and Kiriya-san’s dressing room tables are separate, they probably don’t know. …By any chance, is this Ayano Kanami-san?! (laugh) On an earlier occasion I saw what Ayano-san was doing and I also started taking my own picture on my cell phone to check my makeup. It’s definitely not because I like my own picture (laugh).

Research 3: I hear that Hokushou-san often goes to the dinner shows of leading singers, but up until now whose dinner show has moved you the most?

Hokushou: Ah! It’s Kiriya-san!! (laugh) Because everyone is magnificent, narrowing it down to one is difficult. Masao Sen (6) is good at grasping the hearts of middle aged people and Segawa Eiko (7) imparts delight through her songs. Incidentally, on a slightly different note, I’ve even been to Pico-san’s “Chanson and Talk Dinner Show” before (laugh).

Hokushou’s prediction: The person doing the research is…Kiriya-san!

Hokushou: Probably no one else besides Morie-chan would discover the cell phone pictures, but she doesn’t cook. The deciding factor is the dinner show. When Segawa-san came, I talked to Kiriya-san, who was performing in the “Desert Dreams” scene of “Revue of Dreams.” If there was a place where she could put in an adlib… (laugh). It was brief, but… (laugh).

Hokushou’s prediction is 67% sure


File No. 004: Izumi Aoki

Research 1: Aoki-san is often said to fall asleep in places outside of her bed, but how do you feel when you wake up the next morning? Whenever I doze off, I’m tormented by guilt of “Aaagh, I did it again.”

Aoki: Why do you know this~? (laugh) That’s right. Without even noticing it I fall asleep in my living room. In the morning when I realize it and so on, my body hurts and I wake up. Yes, when I too wake up, I greatly regret it (laugh). It’s like “I’m here again…” I often feel that I want to stop it (laugh).

Research 2: From what time did you develop your beautiful leg muscles?

Aoki: My calves are “shishamo smelt muscles (8)”, aren’t they? (laugh) You can observe in pictures from kindergarten that they had already started developing, so perhaps it was during my youth. I lived in Fukushima Prefecture until I was five and during that time they were forged as I raced up hills. So I think they’re from how I was raised (laugh).

Research 3: Aoki-san is said to be robust in the morning, but recently what time do you get out of bed? How do you spend the time that it takes you from waking up to leaving? By the way, it often makes me feel very comfortable.

Aoki: Generally speaking, I spend my time in rooms that get a lot of sunshine. I like taking it easy there in the morning. I hate bustling about when I’m getting ready. I almost always wake up at 7 in the morning. Sometimes there’s nothing to be done about being sleepy, but basically I don’t want to sleep. (laugh) I’m the type that doesn’t want to pass through life sleeping (laugh).

Aoki’s prediction: The person doing the research is…Hokushou-san!

Aoki: Because my classmates often get angry at me for dozing off, I wonder if Hokushou-san, whose dressing room table is near mine, would have heard about it. But I’ve never heard of Hokushou-san dozing off. Dozing off…Yuuhi-san?! I don’t knooooow (laugh). You feel comfortable when you wake up early? I’ve heard that everyone wakes up early, but…feels comfortable? Somehow that’s not Hokushou-san-esque… (laugh) …Maybe it’s Yuuhi-san…

Aoki’s prediction is 50% sure


Answers, Oozora Yuuhi:

The person doing the research was…Hokushou Kairi.

Oozora’s prediction was…Wrong.

Oozora: Wha-wha-wha… (laugh) Hokushou?! I thought you were the one eating popcorn?! …Huh? You say I also ate it? Ah…I guess I ate it (laugh). Because I have no recollection, that was the cause of my error. This is as one would expect of Hokushou. Although we’ve never talked about pets before…ah, you were able to see me and I was on your mind (laugh) Hokushou-san has an unexpected interest in me. I’ve come to that that conclusion (laugh).

At that time, Hokushou said…

Hokushou: Anyone could have asked Research 1, so that’s okay. 2 was related to pets, which is Kiriya-san’s point of view. For number 3…because Yuuhi-san and I were the only ones who ate popcorn in “Guys and Dolls”, it’s supposed to be an appeal of “It’s me”, but it you want to kindly make a mistake… (laugh) But…because you’re smart, I think you’ll figure it out (laugh)

Favorite role of Oozora’s: Steve from “Senor Don Juan.” That kind of manager is great (laugh).

Oozora’s past life: A French painter, or perhaps a French person with some job related to interior design.

Oozora’s charm point: The occaaaaasional times that she shows her cute smiling face. It’s done, isn’t it? (laugh).


Answers, Kiriya Hiromu:

The person doing the research was…Aoki Izumi.

Kiriya’s prediction was…Correct.

At that time, Aoki said…

Aoki: I wonder if you won’t be able to hit it. Because I know a lot about Finch-kun, Research 2 is mysterious, isn’t it? So then for Research 3, Takigawa Sueko-san provided me with it and it was information I wasn’t supposed to know (laugh). I hope that you’ll kindly mistake me for Oozora-san there (laugh)

Aoki’s favorite role of Kiriya’s: Fabiel-san from “La Esperanza.” Cool and very beautiful.

Kiriya’s past life: French bulldog (laugh). I can only think of Finch-kun (laugh).

Kiriya’s charm point: Her face truly goes from straight to brightly smiling in a flash.

Kiriya: Isn’t that right?! Bingo!! (laugh) Right now in the second half of the show Morie’s quick change spot is close to mine. I have pictures of tired-looking Finch posted there and she often kindly admired him with me (laugh). “Economical when driving” was also a point. Somehow it was like “They’re respecting me, aren’t they?” (laugh) Therefore I was able to narrow it down to the underclassmen (laugh).


Answers, Hokushou Kairi

The person doing the research was…Kiriya Hiromu.

Hokushou’s prediction was…Correct.

At that time, Kiriya said…

Kiriya: Since I think Micchan doesn’t know about my cooking, guessing right there is impossible. I used to be good, but now I only do it once or twice a month (laugh). “Cell phone pictures” was intelligence from Moeki-san. I have not yet seen the scene of the crime (laugh). The risky one is the dinner show, isn’t it? Because it was direct… But surely you’ve talked to everyone about it (laugh).

Favorite role of Hokushou’s: The role of the vagrant in “Practical Joke” was impressive. You energetically grasped doing a double role, however I’d like to see you make use of doing three roles.

Hokushou’s past life: An extremely hard working, very lively Asian boy (laugh).

Hokushou’s charm point: The extremely soft spots on her body (laugh

Hokushou: No way~~~~!! (laugh) All right! (laugh) But why does Kiriya-san know about the picture mail? Was it from Moeki-san? Maybe she asked? I did it! The truth is that whether or not Kiriya-san cooked was a mystery. But because Oozora-san didn’t seem like the type who cooks… What decided it for sure was the dinner show!! Ah, that’s what I thought (laugh)


Answers, Aoki Izumi:

The person doing the research was…Oozora Yuuhi.

Aoki’s prediction was…Wrong.

Aoki: Ehhhhhhh, it was Yuuhi-san~!! Aaaah, even though I narrowed it down to two choices~! I was so clooooose. Too bad! It’s too bad (laugh). That’s how I feel. How disappointing! I wonder how you heard about “dozing off”? From my classmate M-san? (laugh) That must have been the case. (laugh) Yuuhi-san, you’re too good at researching (laugh). Amazing. As might be expected (laugh).

At that time, Oozora said…

Oozora: Because everyone wakes up early, you’re probably puzzled. By turning your attention to “muscles”, my aim is to make you predict Kiriya-san, who is similarly well-muscled. (laugh). Morie’s classmate M-san (Mifune Seika) provided me with “dozing off.” I wasn’t supposed to know about it. You probably won’t be able to get the answer. I have confidence (laugh).

Favorite role of Aoki’s: Aoki’s role in Guys and Dolls where she’s shot with a pistol. Because it was extremely fun, it left an impression on me. From that time on, I felt like you could play anything (double check).

Aoki’s past life: A bear. Because she resembles Winnie the Pooh (laugh)

Aoki’s charm point: Her cute pupils.



(1) This is referring to Oozora’s one week appearance as Oscar in the 2006 Rose of Versailles: Fersen and Marie Antoinette.
(2) A Japanese snack food resembling pocky, except there’s no frosting on the outside.
(3) Another Japanese snack food. What does it say when I get lazy in my own notes?
(4) In her episode of Brilliant Dreams: Personal, Kiriya mentions that Nightmare Before Christmas is one of her favorite movies and that Tim Burton is one of her favorite directors.
(5) Zouni are Japanese rice cakes boiled with vegetables and served on NewYear’s
(6) A Japanese singer.
(7) Yet another Japanese singer. I’m having trouble finding information on either of
these guys, any info would be appreciated.
(8) Shishamo smelt is a variety of smelt found only in Hokkaido.

Created by Kitsune32. Last Modification: Friday 23 of December, 2011 19:23:31 GMT-0000 by Kitsune32.
