Senda Mayumi



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Standard Profile Information

Name: Senda Mayumi
Kanji: 千田 真弓
Current Troupe: Retired
Role: Otokoyaku → Musumeyaku
Status: Retired

Nickname: Hako, Sobaku
Real Name: Ueno Hako
Height: 163 cm
Birthday: January 29, 1965
Blood Type:
Hometown: Setagaya, Tokyo
Favorite Food:
Favorite Flower:
Favorite Colors:
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: A respected teacher gave it to her
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing:

Debut: 1982 (68th Class) Spring Dances
Troupe History:
1982 - 1989 Moon Troupe


1989: Lovers' Suicide (Bow), Oman
1988-89: Love and a Foghorn and a Silver Watch / Rainbow Shower
1988: The Sound of Music (Bow)
1987-88: Me and My Girl, Lambeth Queen
1987: Sword Flash! (Bow Hall / Aoyama Theater / Chuunichi Theater)
1987: Me and My Girl, Lambeth Queen
1986-87: Paris, That's a Sad Sonata / La Nostalgie
1986: Lotus Legend (Bow Hall)
1986: Fans of Many Flowers -An Ode to Summer- / Sorrow
1986: The Other Side of the Dream (Bow Hall)
1985-86: The Legend of the Pulsing Flower / The Swing
1985: Love... Just Love -Edith Piaf- (Bow Hall)
1985: A Tale of Two Cities / Heat Wave
1984-85: Guys and Dolls
1984: South Pacific (Bow Hall)
1984: A Narrow Road of Daphne / The Revue II
1984: Night Fog at Montparnasse (Bow Hall)
1983-84: Soar, Arabian Night / Heart Jack
1983: Spring Dance / Moonlight Romance
1982-83: Limitless Love / Passionate Barcelona
1982: Drops From the Wearying Mountain / Joli Chapeau (Tokyo)

Shinjin Kouen Roles

1988-89: Love and a Foghorn and a Silver Watch, Fusa
1988: Southern Grief
1987-88: Me and My Girl, Mrs. Worthington-Worthington
1987: Me and My Girl, Mrs. Worthington-Worthington
1986-87: Paris, That's a Sad Sonata, Michelle
1986: Sorrow, Nancy
1985-86: The Legend of the Pulsing Flower
1985: A Tale of Two Cities
1984-85: Guys and Dolls
1984: A Narrow Road of Daphne
1983-84: Soar, Arabian Night
1983: Moonlight Romance
1982-83: Passionate Barcelona
1982: Drops From the Wearying Mountain (Tokyo)

Concerts, Dinner Shows, and Special Performances

YEAR: Name of Show


Created by Zephy. Last Modification: Sunday 20 of January, 2019 15:36:09 GMT-0000 by caithion.
