Sen Natsuki
Picture Credit: Zephy / Graph, May 1965
Name: Sen Natsuki
Kanji: 千 夏記
Current Troupe:
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Ofuji
Height: 163 cm
Birthday: November 5
Blood Type:
Hometown: Tokyo
Favorite Food: fruit
Favorite Flower:
Favorite Colors: Green
Hobbies: painting
Special Talent: a devout Buddhist
Origin of Stage Name:
Favorite Role: Punch Girl from Esquire Girls
Would Like to Try Playing:
Debut: 1962 (48th Class) Made In Japan
Troupe History:
1964 - 1967 Star Troupe
1967: Hanafuryuu / One World
1967: Unforgettable Song / Cheers to Takarasienne!
1966: Love Story of a Castle in the Foggy Night / Esquire Girls
1965: Takarazuka Dance Picture Scroll / Invitation to the World (Paris Tour)
1965: Bravo the Sun! / Lucienne's Mirror, Gerard
1964: Shangrila
1963: The Rainbow Music Box Factory / Invitation to the Revue (Moon/Star)
1962: The Emperor and the Witch (Flower)
YEAR: Name of Performance, Name of Role
1967: New York Special Performance
- Was the wife of actor Toshiyuki Hosokawa