Mitake Shigeru
Picture Credit: 1951 Otome
Name: Mitake Shigeru
Kanji: 美竹 しげる
Current Troupe:
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: 牧間さん (Makima-san?)
Height: 160.5 cm
Birthday: Feb. 22nd
Blood Type:
Hometown: Osaka
Favorite Food: fruit, okaki
Favorite Flower: carnation
Favorite Colors: light blue, white
Hobbies: read, theater
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name:
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing: An otokoyaku role with singing
Debut: 1949 (36th Class) Southern Grief
Troupe History:
1949 - 1965 Moon Troupe
1964: Yunta / Japanese Melody
1964: The Kuroshio Current / Red Flower of Tahiti, Oula
1963: The Rainbow Music Box Factory / Invitation to the Revue (Moon/Star)
1957: Rainbow Takarazuka / Indian Love Call
1954: Annie Laurie / Spring Dance 1954 (Imperial Theater)
1953: The Chronicle of Momotarou (Nagoya)
1951: Yu the Beautiful
YEAR: Name of Performance, Name of Role
YEAR: Name of Show