Maon Kiara
Picture Credit: Je t'aime / Miroirs programme still / Otome 2008
Name: Maon Kiara
Kanji: 舞遠 きあら
Current Troupe: n/a
Role: Musumeyaku
Status: retired
Nickname: Tsuuka
Height: 164 cm
Birthday: Dec. 28th
Blood Type:
Hometown: Koganei, Tokyo
Favorite Food: curry rice
Favorite Flower: sun flowers
Favorite Colors: orange, pink
Hobbies: Listening to Disney music
Collections: accessories
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: She thought about it with her family.
Favorite Role: every role she receives
Would Like to Try Playing: She wants to try different kinds of roles.
Debut: 2007 (93rd Class) Secret Hunter
Troupe History:
2007 - 2008 Snow Troupe
2008: I Love You - Je t'aime / Miroirs
2008: I Love You - Je t'aime, Musetta
2007: Pure, Proper, Beautiful