Kaon Yuuki



Image Image

Picture Credit: Congratulations Takarazuka program / 'Otome' 2013

Standard Profile Information

Name: Kaon Yuuki
Kanji: 香音 有希
Current Troupe: n/a
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired

Nickname: Yukako
Height: 174 cm
Birthday: Aug. 3rd
Blood Type:
Hometown: Setaya, Tokyo
Favorite Food: chicken meatloaf, café au lait
Favorite Flower: calla lilies
Favorite Colors: white, black, red, yellow
Hobbies: visiting cafes
Collections: neckties, silver accessories, aroma oils
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: thought of it with her parents
Favorite Role: Black Angel from Elisabeth, Martin from Silver Rose Chronicle, everything from Romeo & Juliette
Would Like to Try Playing: an irredeemable villain, a non-human role, a commander in a war-torn country

Debut: 2003 (89th Class) Takarazuka Floral Diary
Troupe History:
2003 - 2014 Snow Troupe


2013-14 Shall We Dance / CONGRATULATIONS Takarazuka!!, Arthur
2013: Wakaki Hi no Uta wa Wasureji / Narcisse Noir II (National Tour), Toujirou
2013: Rose of Versailles: Fersen, Dugason / Royal Guardsman
2013: Wakaki Hi no Uta wa Wasureji / Shining Rhythm! (Chunichi), The Lord
2012: JIN / Gold Spark!, Chuube/Heita
2012: Footloose (Umeda / Hakataza)
2012: Don Carlos / Shining Rhythm!, Government Official
2011: The Man in the Iron Mask / Royal Straight Flush!!, Kaku-san (Moliere's Troupe)
2011: How to Succeed, Toynbee
2011: Nijinsky, Marcel
2011: Romeo & Juliette, Capulet Man
2010: In Love For the First Time (Drama City / Nippon)
2010: Roget / Rock On!
2010: The Dawn at Solferino / Carnevale: A Sleeping Dream
2009: Passionate Barcelona / Rio de Bravo!! (National Tour), Reno
2009: Russian Blue -Malleus Maleficarum- / Rio de Bravo!!, The Moor (Petrushka)
2009: Nishiki-e of the Wind / Zorro - The Masked Messiah
2008: King Solomon's Ring / La Mariposa
2008: Frozen Tomorrow, Shop owner of Dinner Restaurant
2008: I Love You - Je t'aime / Miroirs
2007: Silver Rose Chronicle, Martin
2007: Elisabeth, Black Angel
2007: Hoshikage no Hito / Joyful!!II, Shinohara Kousaburou
2006: Lucifer's Tears / Tarantella!
2006: Rose of Versailles: Oscar, Guardsman (national tour)
2006: Rose of Versailles: Oscar
2005: Daytime Hustler, Don
2005: Milan Wrapped in a Fog / Wonderland
2004-05: In Quest of the Blue Bird / Takarazuka's Dream Kingdom
2004: Susano-o / Takarazuka Glory!
2004: Romance de Paris / Les Collages (Chunichi)
2003: Romance de Paris / Les Collages

Shinjin Koen Roles

2009: Russian Blue -Malleus Maleficarum- , Boris Murav'yov
2009: Zorro, Elder Red Willow
2008: La Mariposa, Captain
2008: I Love You - Je t'aime, Rodolfo
2007: Elisabeth, Hubner
2006: Lucifer's Tears
2006: Rose of Versailles: Oscar, Guardsman
2005: Milan Wrapped in a Fog
2004-05: In Quest of the Blue Bird
2004: Susano-o
2003: Romance de Paris
2003: Senor Don Juan (Takarazuka)

Concerts / Dinner Shows / Specials

2007: Pure, Proper, Beautiful
2006: 47th Takarazuka Buyoukai

After Takarazuka

2015: Sailor Moon Musical: Un Nouveau Voyage, Professor Souichi Tomoe


Created by caithion. Last Modification: Thursday 05 of July, 2018 01:30:57 GMT-0000 by caithion.
