Hanazuki Aya


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Standard Profile Information

Name: Hanazuki Aya
Kanji: 華月 あや
Current Troupe: Retired
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired

Nickname: Ayaka
Height: 166 cm
Birthday: February 11
Blood Type:
Hometown: Hiratsuka, Kanagawa
Favorite Food:
Favorite Flower:
Favorite Colors:
Hobbies: movie and music appreciation
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: She thought of it with her family
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing:

Debut: 1992 (78th Class) This Boundless Love
Troupe History:
1993 - 1996 Moon Troupe


1996: Gin-chan's Love (Bow), Tachibana's Lackey
1996: Can-Can / Nightless Castle in Manhattan
1996: Me and My Girl (Chunichi)
1995: Me and My Girl
1995: Hard-Boiled Egg / Exotica!
1994-95: Lone Wolf (Bow Hall)
1994: The Afterglow of Eire / Takarazuka Ole!, Cornelius (substitute)
1994: Wanted (Bow Hall)
1994: Gone with the Wind
1993-94: The 10 Cent Silver Coin of Dreams (Bow Hall)
1993: Kasenshou / The Door to Here / Million Dreams
1993: Grand Hotel / Broadway Boys, Kage Chorus
1992: Random Harvest / Fancy Touch (Flower - Takarazuka)
1992: Dance Festival / Spartacus (Flower)

Shinjin Kouen Roles

1996: Can-Can, Teofille
1995: Me and My Girl, Jaqueline Carstone (Act 2)
1995: Hard-Boiled Egg
1994: The Afterglow of Eire, Shakul
1994: Gone with the Wind, Scarlett II

Concerts, Dinner Shows, and Special Performances

1995: '95 TCA Special - Magnifique Takarazuka
1993: Gone with the Wind Eve of Festivities


None yet.

Created by Zephy. Last Modification: Monday 05 of July, 2021 22:18:47 GMT-0000 by caithion.
