Chinami Shou
Picture Credit: V
Name: Chinami Shou
Kanji: 千波 翔
Current Troupe:
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Kunya, Chinami
Height: 171 cm
Birthday: Oct. 28th
Blood Type:
Hometown: Nagoya, Aichi
Favorite Food: fruit, jello
Favorite Flower: rose, matthiola
Favorite Colors: white, black
Hobbies: piano, illustrations
Collections: records
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: 「千の波を越えて、大きく 飛翔するように 」 ("Soaring large, over a thousand waves")
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing:
Debut: 1976 (62nd Class) The Rose of Versailles III
Troupe History:
1977 - 1983 Moon Troupe
1983: My Miracle (Bow Hall)
1982: Limitless Love / Passionate Barcelona (Grand Theater)
1982: Drops From the Wearying Mountain / Joli Chapeau
1982: Eternal Tale (Bow Hall)
1981: The Viking of Capri / The Big Apple
1981: Jumping! / The New Tale of Genji
1980: Love and Seagulls and Rokumonsen / Fascinating Prelude (Chunichi)
1980: Black Daffodil of Srinagar / Classical Menu
1980: One More Dream (Bow Hall)
1980: Angelique -A Tale of the Flames of Love- / Masked Ball
1979: Valencian Passion / La Belle Takarazuka
1979: The Chronicles of Shunshuu / La Belle Takarazuka
1979: Japanese Love Poem / Caribbean Sun
1978: Prince Hayabusawake's Rebellion / Love Message
1978: Festival Fantasy / My Lucky Chance
1977-78: My Beloved Marianne / Boy Meets Girl
1982: Passionate Barcelona (Grand Theater), General Gisando
1982: Drops From Ashibiki Mountain
1981: The Viking of Capri, Gulieja
1981: The New Tale of Genji
1980: Black Daffodil of Srinagar
1980: Angelique -A Tale of the Flames of Love-
1979: Valencian Passion
1979: The Chronicles of Shunshuu
1979: Caribbean Sea
1978: Prince Hayabusawake's Rebellion
1978: My Lucky Chance
1977-78: My Beloved Marianne
YEAR: Name of Show