Maya Midori

Picture Credit: 1951 Otome
Name: Maya Midori
Kanji: 摩耶 みどり
Current Troupe:
Role: Musumeyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Oogami-san
Height: 156.0 cm
Birthday: Dec. 15th
Blood Type:
Hometown: Kobe, Hyogo
Favorite Food: fruit, nigiri sushi, chocolate
Favorite Flower: daffodil
Favorite Colors: pale pink, light blue, dark red
Hobbies: reading, going to shows, skiing
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: Because she was born near Mt. Maya
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing: a musumeyaku role with acting and dancing
Debut: 1948 (35th Class) Spring Dance -Folk Paintings-
Troupe History:
1948 - 1953 Moon Troupe
1953: The Momotarou Chronicle
1952: Turandot
1951: Yu the Beautiful
1949: Xiang Fei / Aloha 'Oe (Nagoya)
YEAR: Name of Performance, Name of Role
YEAR: Name of Show
- Her sister is Shiki Kaoru (1952).