Flor5: A fictitious idol group created from Minami Maito's "CAST". "CAST" is a novel programme on Takarazuka Sky Stage allowing stars to engage in various challenges, divided into side-A and side-B and broadcasted for two consecutive months. Minami's side-A invites guests Hozumi Mahiro, Seino Asuka, Ichinose Kouki and Yūki Daiya to film various situations for a promotional video in the end.
What will happen when Minami Maito and the other Hanaotoko prominent on stage, form an idol group... they have cool appearances wearing suits, the five of them hanging out as friends in casual and relaxing style and even play a game of cards with no reaction...Please look forward to such fun shooting moments when they challenge different scenarios. The promotional video also includes sources that are shot by members themselves of each other, because you can see the members in closer angle, please be ready for a precious charm that you can't see normally!
Translated from the source taken from: https://www.tca-pictures.net/skystage/Prgm/Detail/11521.html
(The idea may not be related to the previous groups, Kurenai 5 or AQUA5, but it is interesting to see a new idol group after some years.)
Minami Maito
Hozumi Mahiro
Seino Asuka
Ichinose Kouki
Yūki Daiya
Related Links:
Kurenai 5
What will happen when Minami Maito and the other Hanaotoko prominent on stage, form an idol group... they have cool appearances wearing suits, the five of them hanging out as friends in casual and relaxing style and even play a game of cards with no reaction...Please look forward to such fun shooting moments when they challenge different scenarios. The promotional video also includes sources that are shot by members themselves of each other, because you can see the members in closer angle, please be ready for a precious charm that you can't see normally!
Translated from the source taken from: https://www.tca-pictures.net/skystage/Prgm/Detail/11521.html
(The idea may not be related to the previous groups, Kurenai 5 or AQUA5, but it is interesting to see a new idol group after some years.)
Minami Maito
Hozumi Mahiro
Seino Asuka
Ichinose Kouki
Yūki Daiya
Related Links:
Kurenai 5