Forum: Actresses and Shows

Yuzuki Reon interview

posts: 20
Notwithstanding the much greater level of knowledge regarding Takarazuka than my own to be found on these pages, perhaps of interest - one of my first articles in connection with covering Takarazuka - an interview with Yuzuki Reon from last August / Sept or so.

(I work as a writer in Tokyo)

posts: 708
> thank you. Q though - what is Live Journal?

It's a blog network. Made just for teenage girls and drama queens and a few other suckers. I love it and have been using it for about six years now, since I was an undergrad. About three years ago the Takarazuka fandom exploded all over it. ;) A bunch of us use it to keep each other up to date on the news and what we thought of shows and things like that. Here's my Takarazuka journal.
posts: 20
> Ah, that was your article! I was really impressed when I read it. I think it got linked all over the place among the Takarazuka fans on Live Journal. ;)

thank you. Q though - what is Live Journal?
posts: 708
Ah, that was your article! I was really impressed when I read it. I think it got linked all over the place among the Takarazuka fans on Live Journal. ;)

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