

This wiki is a community-fed database of information on the Takarazuka Revue. Here, Takarazuka fans combine their knowledge and efforts to create the most exhaustive resource of information about the Revue that has ever been available on the internet.

Whether you're looking for your favourite Takarasienne's troupe history, or the synopsis of a DVD you're thinking of buying, or the Revue's performance schedule for 2024, you'll find it here — or you'll find someone who knows where to look. Enjoy!


General Information
Specific Information
Meta Content
   Takarazuka Revue
   History of the Revue
   Buying Goods
   Going to See a Show
   Fan Activities
   Glossary of Terms
   Takarazuka News // This Week
   Takarazuka Performances
   Takarazuka Actresses
   Takarazuka Staff
   Takarazuka Publications
   Takarazuka Media - Commercial Releases
   Fan Creations*
   Takarazuka Links
   Past Polls*
Sections denoted with an asterisk (*) can only be accessed by registered users.

Created by system. Last Modification: Monday 10 of June, 2024 06:44:53 GMT-0000 by petitecabriole.
