Takegawa Yuki
Picture Credit: Zephy, Graph October 1964, Otome 1965
Name: Takegawa Yuki
Kanji: 竹川 由起
Current Troupe:
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Taka-chan
Height: 165 cm
Birthday: July 4
Blood Type:
Hometown: Kyoto
Favorite Food: fruit
Favorite Flower: rose, sweet pea, freesia
Favorite Colors: red, yellow
Collections: carved wooden objects, animal toys
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: a respected teacher gave it to her
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing: a singing and dancing male role
Debut: 1959 (45th Class) Lovely Romance
Troupe History:
1960 - 1967 Snow Troupe
1966-67: Murasaki Shikibu / Love Love Love
1966: Japan Dance Picture Scrolls / Rainbow Takarazuka (Hawaiian Tour)
1965: Yohi and Baihi / The Blue Suitcase
1960: Princess Kuroaza and the Charcoal Maker / Let Me Die In Your Arms (Star)
YEAR: Name of Performance, Name of Role
YEAR: Name of Show