Taiga Soa

Picture Credit: dotdotdot | Otome 2017
Name: Taiga Soa
Kanji: 大河 そあ
Current Troupe: n/a
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Suzu, Soa
Height: 172cm
Birthday: November 23rd
Blood Type:
Hometown: Suginami Ward, Tokyo
Favorite Food: her mother's home cooking, her grandmother's kuromame (black soy beans)
Favorite Flower: lavender, pansies
Favorite Colors: purple, navy blue
Hobbies: watching TV dramas and movies
Collections: things with good scents
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: decided with her family
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing: various roles
Debut: 2017 (103rd Class) Dramatic S!
Troupe History:
2017 - 2018 Snow Troupe
2017: Captain Nemo (Nippon Seinenkan / Drama City)
2017: The Sun in the Last Days of the Shogunate / Dramatic 'S'!
YEAR: Name of Show
YEAR: Name of Show
- Originally scheduled to appear in A Passage Through the Light ~Maximilien Robespierre, the Revolutionary~ / Super Voyager!, on 10/26 she was announced absent from the entire run due to poor health.
- Originally scheduled to appear in Arch of Triumph / Gato Bonito!!, she retired on 4/20 without prior announcement.