Secret Hunter / Neo Dandyism! II


Picture Credit: quinquin (Program book)

Show Information
English Title: Secret Hunter / Neo Dandyism! II
Japanese Title: シークレット・ハンター / ネオ・ダンディズム!II
Romanized Title: Shiikureto Hantaa / Neo Dandizumu! II

Troupe: Star
Year: 2007
Performances: Hakataza Theater, 8/1 - 8/23

Secret Hunter:

Author: Kodama Akiko

Neo Dandyism! II:

Author/Director: Okada Keiji

Available on DVD: No


Dagobert (Thief who works in the Caribbean Sea boasting that there is nothing he can't steal)Aran Kei
Jennifer (Princess of the Kingdom of Pallas Athena, which possesses an island in the Caribbean Sea.)Toono Asuka
Sergio (Insider who gives "jobs" to Dagobert. Smart and probably Dagobert's best friend)Suzumi Shio
King of France (The Incumbent king of Pallas Athena. Jennifer's grandfather)Natori Rei
Dagobert's fatherEma Naoki
Dagobert's motherEma Naoki
Felicia (Jennifer's mother)Mari Yuzumi
Joel Robuchon (French professional hit man nicknamed "Baron")Tatsuki You
Max (Guard serving the royal family of Pallas Athena)Ayaka Rei
Brigitte (Max's younger sister brought up with Jennifer)Koto Marie
Anna Maria (Woman-detective determined to arrest Dagobert)Kawai Mizuho
Ignacio (Anna-Maria's not-so-reliable assistant capable of firing blindly.)Kazu Ryouka
NicholasYuuho Satoru
IsabellaAsamine Hikari
ChrisYumeno Seika
AlbertMahiro Shun
PainterMiki Chigusa
Street MusicianAyame Hikaru
Street MusicianMarino Yui
Street MusicianMishiro Ren
Street MusicianAmao Keika
ModelSuzuno Katsuki
Woman in red dressHoshikaze Erena
Woman in red dressUmezono Sachi
MonkAmagiri Mayo
MonkGinga Ami
CaptainNanakaze Umi
Dagobert (child age)Ooki Makoto

Junka Marii, Minaho Sari, Hisaki Seara, Hana Nonomi, Yashio Yuumi, Kurenai Yuzuru, Miya Rurika, Hazakura Shizuku, Shirotae Natsu, Naoki Jun, Shiotsuki Shuu, Tenju Mitsuki



Secret Hunter

In the 1940's, a man sneaks into the museum on a Caribbean island in order to steal the brilliant crown jewels. He approaches the jewelry skillfully evading security devices one after another. However, at the moment he is just about to put his hand on the jewelry, alarms begin to blare. Guards immediately arrive followed by the woman-detective Anna-Maria and her assistant Ignacio who have long pursued this thief. Nevertheless, the thief escapes with the crown jewels.

The thief Dagobert alias Dag, who boasts that there is nothing he cannot steal, comes to Sergio who always has inside information on objects worth stealing. It was Sergio who commissioned Dag to steal the royal jewelry. Dag has no sooner received his share of the jewels than Sergio gives him another assignment. Dag is surprised to learn that the thing he should steal is a woman. Sergio insists that whatever he steals matters little, persuading the hesitant Dag to accept the job.

A party is held on a gorgeous yacht in honor of the princess of Pallas Athena who is visiting the island governed by her kingdom for the first time. Following Sergio's instruction, Dag slips onto the ship and approaches his target, a woman in a red dress. He perfectly succeeds in taking her off the ship. Shortly afterward, the abduction of Princess Jennifer throws the party into an uproar. Max who serves the royal family as guard hurries off the ship with the palace guards including Chris in order to find the princess. Nicolas is desperate to secure the Crown for his son Albert, who is Jennifer's second cousin. Nicolas therefore considers the abduction to be a golden opportunity for his son to accede to the throne.

Dag brings Jennifer into a restaurant where Sergio is supposed to be waiting for them. He is dismayed by the reports that Princess Jennifer of Pallas Athena has been abducted. Upon the realization that he has abducted the princess, he rushes out of the restaurant with Jennifer. On second thought, he feels inclined to run away and leave her behind to avoid any more problems. However, Jennifer wishes to be with him a little longer. Although he isn't sure if he should be with her any longer, he goes downtown with her. Jennifer enjoys the Caribbean holiday, talking with people and playing games in the streets. She thanks Dag for giving her the wonderful holiday she has dreamed of. They feel attracted to each other after spending the day together. Suddenly, a man attacks Jennifer. Dag risks his life to protect her. Nearby street musicians help Jennifer and Dag get away. They decide to leave the island. Nicolas is furious when he hears that the assassination of Jennifer failed. He calls the French professional hit man Joel Robuchon, alias the Baron, and entrusts him with the assassination of the princess.

Jennifer and Dag come ashore the island called Bali of the Caribbean known for its colorful flowers. The Baron also arrives at the island. Fortunately, a priest walking there and painters sketching nearby bravely defend Jennifer and Dag, so that they can get away from the Baron. Dag now wonders why there are people nearby to come to their rescue in time. They see Max pointing a revolver at Sergio. Max reveals that he ordered Sergio to abduct the princess in order to prevent her from succeeding to the throne. Dag realizes that he has been used as a tool. Jennifer has the quick wit to turn the situation against Max. Sergio assures Dag that he can handle Max alone and tells him to run away with Jennifer. After Dag and Jennifer have escaped, Max admires Sergio's good performance as an actor.

The island is alive with carnival festivities, which Jennifer is excited to see. Dag tells her that he was born on the island. They are soon engulfed in the parades of the carnival. At the height of the celebration, the Baron comes out of the masquerade parade and kidnaps Jennifer. The Baron's men prevent Dag from following her. Dag beats one of them off and dons his mask. Shortly afterward, Dag catches up with the Baron and rescues Jennifer. Dag runs up with Jennifer to a chapel standing in a ruined fortress. He tells her that he used to play there in his childhood, and finds a coin he had hidden there for the sake of his dead father. He thinks about his father who was proud of being a descendant of a pirate. Jennifer asks Dag why he, who seems to be a good person, became a thief. He answered as continued to look for only one treasure. They are even more attracted to each other in the course of their escape. Just as Dag is kissing Jennifer, she stops him and tells him that she has a deep secret. However, before she can tell him the secret, a bullet speeds past them. The Baron, his men, Anna-Maria and her assistant arrive. Grabbing Jennifer's hand, Dag climbs up to the top of the fortress where there are old canons. Anna-Maria and her assistant arrive at the battery ahead of them. Dag tells the woman-detective that the true perpetrator of the abduction is not he, and asks her to take Jennifer to a safe place while he diverts the attention of the Baron and his men. Just after Jennifer and Anna-Maria have gone, the Baron reaches the top of the fortress. Dag exchanges fire with the Baron. When the Baron becomes aware that Dag has no more bullets, he takes his time to zero in on Dag. Then, with a shout from Max, followed by gunfire, the Baron falls. Max shows up with gun in hand, and Anna-Maria, leading a troop of policemen, and Jennifer run up to the top of the fortress. However, the Baron with a final spurt of energy, pulls the trigger aiming at Jennifer. Dag notices the Baron and immediately covers her with his body. He falls down slowly, and sees something in his fading consciousness. What is it?

Neo Dandyism! II

Other Information

Takarazuka Precious: Sakakihara Kazuko's Takarazuka First Night & Event Revue article - Secret Hunter
Takarazuka Precious: Sakakihara Kazuko's Takarazuka First Night & Event Revue article - Neo Dandyism II


None yet.

Merchandise Cover Art

None Yet
None Yet
None Yet
None Yet

Created by caithion. Last Modification: Wednesday 04 of June, 2014 05:48:03 GMT-0000 by Kitsune32.
